Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4568 results found
Improve pattern editing mode's slow performance
Pattern editing mode is notoriously slow. Using complex artwork and textures inside patterns causes pattern mode to hesitate when simply moving objects (even when displaying fewer copies). Because brushes are expanded in Pattern mode, textural brushes can't be used to create patterns without a lot of spinning and crashing. The feature hasn't been improved since it was released in CS6. The new Repeats feature doesn't make fill swatches, unfortunately, so it does not replace Pattern mode. If only we could create repeating art on the artboard and make fill swatches from it without the constraints of pattern mode.
5 votes -
Shortcut/button for the "Enter isolation mode"-function
After Illustrator changed the place where to put pasted objects (before the objects where put in the selected layer, now the objects are put in a new layer at the top), I use the "Enter Isolations mode"-function a lot, to get the pasted objects the right place. I know there is a button, but it doesn't always show. So I would really like a shortcut for this function. Or make a button in the properties panel. Or both. Please.
2 votesDisabling 'Paste Remembers Layers' in the Layers panel’s flyout menu solved the problem with pasting in place into a selected layer, therefore a specialized hotkey to the layer isolation is no longer required for the user.
If you still need this hotkey — please comment.
2 votes
Clip to Artboard [similar to Figma/XD]
Can we please get a "Clip to artboard" Option in Illustrator, acting similar to the one to be found in XD or Figma? This would help a lot when working with multiple style frame inside one document.
4 votes -
1 vote -
If it Ain't broke, don't FIX
New Image Trace UI design is terrible. The old was perfectly fine. Designers rely on consistent tool set up so we can work FAST. Stop messing with my work flow. If it Ain't broke, don't FIX
2 votes -
Add option to create vector graphics from text
Add option to create vector graphics from text with firefly
5 votesThe feature is added in the latest builds of Illustrator. The development of it is not complete yet, and the team has more plans on making it better for users to help them with their creative projects.
If you have specific requests related to it, leave them in comments below or log separately.
Fix Heavy Shaded PDF Import Error
Illustrator is reporting an issue while importing heavy shaded PDF files from CAD Software ArchiCAD. Error Message in Attached File. The PDF which triggers the error is also attached.
1 vote -
Pencil and Pen Tool Request
I've been using Adobe products over 30 years and saw tool stay the same over time. The way I see Illustrator it should mimic how an Illustrator uses a pencil and pen.
The title it's self demands changes to give us a more natural feel using the tools. The Pen and Pencil tool we can use as a major tool used.
Like using the Pencil Tool there could be variations as we are drawing with Pen pressure that varies kinda like tapers and thick lines based on how we apply a calligraphy path, It opens and closes.
There are so…
1 vote -
Let Artboard/Fit to Selected Art work for Selected Guides too
When working on patterns, I often create a rectangle converted to a guide for the tile size.
Unfortunately Fit to Selected Art does not recognise a guide to fit to.
So I need to first release the Guide, then apply Fit to Selected art, and then make the Guide again.2 votes -
"Notes" text field on the "Swatch Options" dialogue
It would be a huge help to have a "notes" text field on the "Swatch Options" dialogue so we could include notes and other meta data about a given swatch to convey to other designers or collaborators.
1 vote -
Drag and drop to replace linked image with another one
Allow users to drag and drop an image from the computer to replace (relink) an existing linked image while maintaining its size, position, and appearance attributes
12 votes -
Export revisions only
When making minor updates to an existing presentation or pdf, option to "Export Revisions Only" to an existing file name or pdf - similar to Adobe Acrobat's new feature to detect changes between similar documents, this feature allows you export/update only the pages with revisions into an existing .pdf file. This saves a lot of export time when a client asks for several small revisions to a 10-20+ page presentation or document.
2 votes -
Option to assign chosen profile selection to all open documents in Missing Profile box
When opening a project, I frequently have to choose either not to colour manage or I have to assign a particular profile to the document due to working with a number of different print houses. As I can sometimes open 10-20 documents at a time to edit them, would it be possible to assign the designated choice to all open documents at the same time, i.e., have a selection box you can tick to 'Apply selected profile option to all open projects'?
Currently it is really laborious choosing the profile for each individual file as it opens.
2 votes -
Auto Layout, Grid layout & Padding
Auto layout is a property you can add to shapes and many things, to create designs that grow to fill or shrink to fit, and reflow as their contents change.
Also can add padding and margin , this help us when we design C.V., Menu, branding guideline & ...ect
Grid layout easly and helpfully.
21 votes -
Gradient Mesh Tool should have the ability to add a circular mesh within a circle.
Gradient Mesh tool should have the ability to add circular mesh lines within a circle. Currently if you have a circle, a new mesh line will only span from one edge of the circumference to another however it would be good to add a concentric circle in the circular mesh
2 votes -
Add First Object Above / Last Object Below commands in Select menu
Illustrator provides two ways to access Next Object commands:
1. From Select menu
2. From the context menu, Select submenuAnd while the context menu provides four commands, the Select menu gives only two. First Object Above / Last Object Below — for no apparent reason — are missing, and we can’t assign hotkeys to these because of it.
Please add them there.
Also consider this request, to be able to select ALL objects above or below the current selection:
Note that this one is basically about 'select those who intersect', while we are also interested in 'select those…
9 votes -
Hold Key to Zoom, like in Sketch
I need a functionality like in Sketch app to Zoom In / Out canvas quickly and smoothly!
So, just to hold Command key and I can smoothly and quickly do this.
This should be common for macOS art apps…I’m not using trackpad, but I’m using Magic Mouse 2, so I can always pan canvas using gestures on a mouse with one finger, but I don't have a scroll wheel and to Zoom I’d need just to hold a Command key, like in Sketch! That's it.
Attached example video of how it works perfectly in Sketch.
3 votes -
A splash-paint tool, as if throwing paint at your canvas.
A splash-paint tool, as if throwing paint at your canvas.
1 vote -
Edit multiple identical objects real-time
Would be cool to have a feature where for example when editing 2 identical objects, you can convert one object into main object and other into "mirrored" one through layer system/window and then mirrored one will show same changes real-time whenever I'm editing the main one. Afterwards when turning off the feature, all the "mirrored" ones turn into seperate objects (as if rasterized).
This would be a game changer when I'm editing text that is turned into object and I want same edits to be applied to all other identical letters.1 vote
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