Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4569 results found
Edit multiple identical objects real-time
Would be cool to have a feature where for example when editing 2 identical objects, you can convert one object into main object and other into "mirrored" one through layer system/window and then mirrored one will show same changes real-time whenever I'm editing the main one. Afterwards when turning off the feature, all the "mirrored" ones turn into seperate objects (as if rasterized).
This would be a game changer when I'm editing text that is turned into object and I want same edits to be applied to all other identical letters.1 vote -
OFFICIAL ONLINE USER MANUAL that we can easily search by tool or command name
We still need a forum for complex questions like ‘how to…’, but the current community is TERRIBLE at answering ‘what is’… You need to stop pushing this responsibility of explaining features to users and start making an OFFICIAL guide where we can easily search what each tool or action like 'expand appearance' actually mean and their nuances explained with pictures. Please make this ONLINE and always updated!!! Your old pdf manual actually does this quite well.
I am sick of watching outdated tutorials or WAITING for a response from users who might be equally outdated or not knowing what they're…
2 votes -
Make an option to allow to transform (move / rotate / resize) a pattern within object without holding ` (backtick / grave / tilde) key
Newly redundant options in Transform menu
With the AI ver 27.5 update the "Transform Pattern Only" option does not work anymore in the Transform palette options menu.
It used to be that the pattern would move interactively within its container if it was dragged or rotated. Now the whole object moves. My small business works exclusively on pattern design and this happens on both our machines. (Win 10 and Win 11. Both i7 with 32gb) RAM).2 votes -
Find Replace dialog box to allow access to document for copy paste
When you open the find/replace dialog box you no longer have access to the document so you can copy text. So you have to copy text -> open find/replace box -> paste in find field and click done -> copy the text you want to replace with -> open the dialog box again to paste and then find/replace. In InDesign this is not the case
2 votes -
Duplicate Artboard should place the new artboard inside the canvas if possible
"Duplicate Artboard" always tries to place the new artboard to the right of the selected artboard which often makes it fall outside of the canvas, failing with the error " Cannot create artboard outside the canvas. Please rearrange and try again." "New Artboard" does not have this problem. Please have duplicate artboard use new artboard's placement logic.
5 votes -
Add Color Mode "BITMAP" to TIFF Options in FILE->EXPORT->EXPORT AS
Add Color Mode "BITMAP" to TIFF Options in FILE->EXPORT->EXPORT AS
I regularly export high resolution ( 1440 dpi ) black and white tiff images from illustrator. Right now they must be exported as grayscale and then I have to open them in photoshop and convert them to 1 bit images and resave.
2 votes -
Connected Arabic letters 'break' on curves
Arabic text on curved paths tend to break, like in the example. The current work around is to either convert the text to outline and fix the breaks, or to create an art brush with the outlined text and adjust, again, manually.
Can this be fixed to allow the text to be on the curved, and editable.
2 votes -
A hotkey to switch gradient types, Linear/Radial/Freeform
Shift + > and Shift + < are not taken.
We’d assigned them ourselves, but guess what — you forgot to expose these in Keyboard Shortcuts. As 90% of all other commands and buttons we have in panels. But hey, we introduce new features... finish old ones already.
15 votes -
Area Type "Inset Spacing" option to set different values for top, bottom, left and right
(例)↓ English ver. (Using Translation tool)
I would like to set different values for the top, bottom, left and right in the "Inset Spacing" option of Area Type.
It's possible in InDesign; it would be more convenient if it could be in Illustrator.
Additionally, Japanese users often use Area Type to create tables. Different Inset Spacing makes it more adjustable.
(Example) votes -
1 vote
We need separate snap options for Artboards vs Objects
Currently, 'Snap to Pixel' affects both the artboards and objects on them.
However, there are some issues with this:
Artboards can snap to .5 pixels. It's VITAL to snap artboards to pixel as the 'Export for Screens' will add extra unwanted pixels otherwise.
Objects can snap to the whole pixel, not the half pixel.
While snap to pixel for artboards is vital for certain features not to break, pixel snapping for objects is not.
The solution? There should be an Artboard snapping option, separate to the one that affects all objects.
1 vote -
Object > Repeat > Mirror needs options for Flipping
Currently the only assignable option for "Repeat > Mirror," is the angle of symmetry. The option to flip the mirrored object (similar to the "Reflect," tool) would be useful for Mirror. Example: Illustrating the letter "S," or "Z," for asymmetrical designs. Similar options are already implemented in the "Repeat > Grid," function, but aren't present for "Repeat > Mirror".
3 votes -
1 vote
Move Blend Mode keyboard shortcuts from the Tools into the Menu Commands section
If you open Keyboard Shortcuts, make sure you have Tools selected, scroll all the way down, you’ll see all 'Blend Mode - [name of the mode]' commands there — empty, ready to be assigned... but. Opt/Alt cant’ be used for these. Because these are in tooools. Which means these can be bound only to naked keys and Shift+keys. Which are all taken, long time ago!
So please move Blend Mode keyboard shortcuts from the Tools section into the Menu Commands section, so we can use all possible modifiers for these, and not only Shift.
Also, why do we even have…
11 votes -
Show 'Can’t join a path' message as a soft one
Modal dialogs are very dated. They grab attention, they interrupt workflows, they yell at you. Most times we don’t need these as loud as they are — a whisper is nice.
And Ai actually now has these, 'soft' messages, like the one we get when we modify a live shape — 'Shape expanded', at the top of the view, in a gray rectangle. Calm, non-intrusive, with auto-destruction timer. Nice!But there are other, legacy warnings and screams.
The most annoying for me persoanlly is the one I get when I try to join a closed path (just in case, to…9 votes -
"Soft Messages" interface in SDK, as alternative to modal dialogs
Can the SDK get an interface for Soft Messages like the "Shape Expanded" message that quietly appears at the top of the screen, then fades away on its own? Sometimes modal dialogs or even floating windows are just way too intrusive to simply pass a message on to the user.
I have managed to pretty much replicate this in one of my own plugins using annotations, but it would be much simpler if a few lines of code could allow any developer and any plugin to call a behavior that already exists in Illustrator.
2 votes -
Export for Screen Preset system is a FIASCO
As comments for this thread are closet, I start a new one. Preset thing is a disaster. It doesn't fix any issues I have with Export For Screens.
It doesn't save the Folder for the export. So I have to set it every time I open my document, as Illustrator set it to the same folder as where my AI document is. This was, and now still is, my major problem with Export for Screens.
Also, I have to select the Preset every time I open my AI file. The least I was hoping was that the settings…
2 votes -
Printing one artboard multiple times on one sheet
It would be very beneficial to have a feature that allows you to save a pdf with multiple copies of your artboard on one sheet with cut marks. Something similar to the attached screenshot (that was manually created).
2 votes -
Please can we have diagonal centre align function
Please can we have diagonal centre align function
1 vote -
export non-printing layers so they are visible in a PDF
I believe this used to not be a problem, but now when I have a layer set to not print, it is not visible in a PDF. I have to toggle the layer on in Acrobat in order to see it, but this does not work for my needs.
I want to make non-printing layers automatically visible when saving as a PDF.
1 vote
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