Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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- Why is this valuable to you?
4574 results found
Illustrator Version History Panel for Synced Files
It would be nice if the Version History Panel within Illustrator also showed the History for Items locally saved and synced via Creative Cloud Files. The information and abilities are there when you view the file via the Creative Cloud Files Web page so it would just be a matter of the panel bringing in that information to the Panel from the website. It would be helpful to have that info locally within Illustrator instead of having to go out to a webpage in a browser.
1 vote -
Share only certain artboards for new feedback option
Currently, I have several artboards in Illustrator and I want to share my designs for feedback but I only want to include certain artboards for feedback. Right now when I click share and generate a link it just automatically includes all artboards. It would be nice to have the option to select the artboards you want to include for review. See screenshot for a mockup.
6 votes -
Disable Text Auto-Formatting
In Illustrator 2023 came the addition of auto-formatting being applied to text.
Specifically bullets, hyphen bullets, etc.
This should have an option to permanently disable, as it is a nuisance and an efficiency problem to have to turn off every single new text block.
Seriously, Adobe looked at one of Word's most broken features and decided to ram it into Illustrator? The least you could do is look at a good implementation of it like on Google Docs!
But nope, we get terribly formatted, non-customizable, defaulted bullet auto-formatting.
At least give me a preference setting to turn it off permanently.
1 voteThere is a way to disable this feature: Preferences > Type > Automatic Bulleted and Numbered lists while typing.
However, the fact it’s that obscured and is not given to a user when a conversion happens is a bad UX indeed. In some other apps this choice is given, even when it’s not the first one.
If you want to change this, please keep adding votes and comments.
Sync the order of Align and Distribute menu commands
Hey, we now have Object > Distribute commands! No more actions wraps to bind these to hotkeys!
However, why is the order is swapped? Align menu has Horizontal commands first, but Distribute has them at the bottom, under Vertical.
One can object it’s just like the Align panel has them, and this is not the legacy behaviour you better keep, really. Please sync these.
17 votes -
Add performance scripting options
Currently the options to increase scripting performance are limited. Please add ...
- the ability to process documents without openingen them visually. The documents should remain hidden during processing
- an option to disable screen redraw
- an option to minimize the application windowThese scripting options would be useful ...
7 votes -
Pressure Sensitivity Bug using Windows 10 Pro with Wacom Cintiq 22
There is a bug where pressure sensitivity does not work no matter what I do in Windows 10 Pro using the Wacom Cintiq 22. Brush options have been changed from fixed to pressure with the calligraphy brushes, I have verified that Wacom is enabled in Devices, Windows Ink and Pen settings have been disabled to the best of my ability, I updated and reinstalled Illustrator multiple times, installed previous Illustrator versions, reinstalled Wacom drivers, restarted my PC and still, nothings seems to work. Pressure sensitivity is working perfectly fine with all other applications including Photoshop. It is exclusively Illustrator that…
1 vote -
Keep edit Intertwine editable after pressing Ctrl+z
When Ctrl+z is pressed to undo an intertwine, the whole object is unselected as an intertwine and cannot be edited as an intertwine, without pressing edit in the intertwine menu.
This does not occur in other tools like live paint, after pressing Ctrl+z, the object remains selected as a live paint object and remains editable.
If possible, please add this feature.
This is valuable to me, because it speeds up my workflow, as it makes Illustrator more consistent.
3 votesAn Intertwine object no longer gets deselected when you undo an operation, and now behaves more like Live Paint. Please reply if it does not match your expectations.
Intertwine needs a better way to display order operations rather than hiding them in a context menus
It’s not clear we can chose methods other than 'swap order' for cases when a freshly created intertwine zone has several possible solutions. Illustrator draws and edge around the current zone (quite poorly signaled, which is a different topic:, but then a single left-click just swaps and immediately ends editing the zone.
The fact we can click on the highlighted segment with a right mouse button and choose an order is not very obvious... because — let’s admit it — Illustrator can’t do context menus very well and we are not used to have anything really 'contextual' in…
10 votesAuto-zones hover tips are much better now and solve the problem with understanding the reordering proposed.
Expanding Intertwine creates too many identical copies and doesn’t optimize them
If you expand an intertwine object (with the global Expand: Object command, since it does not have its own specific Expand), the one with a lot of zones, you get a ton of overlapped clipping containers with a reordered copies insides, one per each zone used.
While technically it’s OK, the amount of copies can be just absurd.
Some copies are identical and differentiate only by the location of their clipping masks. Perhaps Ai should track these copies and clip then not with separate masks, but a single compound path mask, when possible?The degradation is not so graceful with…
10 votesIntertwine now tries to optimize the number of clips created when expanding.
We need custom made shapes to control Intertwines, drawn with other tools, like we can do with clipping masks
Intertwine, as I see it, is a control structure for dynamically generated clipping masks. The only way we can create zones to control these masks is to use pseudo-tools, activated with the specialized Edit command. This is fine for quick appliances, but is not so great when you need to make a precise work, with snapping, complex shapes and several iterations.
We got a Sax-a-Boom, but now we need a saxophone.
I would like to add any other shapes, created with any other tool Ai offers, as zones, to an existing or a new intertwine — like Live Paint allows.…
10 votes -
Created Intertwine zones are invisible both on canvas and in Layers and can’t be really edited and repositioned
When we try to edit an already created Intertwine object, we don’t edit it actually, it’s more like we create another one instead.
There is no way to fix a mistake rather than undo (if it’s an imminent one), or disassemble it completely (if it’s an old one), we can’t reposition zones, scale them, attach to the particular segment or point (like with the #ProjectMagenticType from 2022 MAX), we can't delete one or change the order of segments in an existing one.
We can’t even see which zones do we already have, even when we create them still for the…11 votes -
attributi testo
Sarebbe bello avere aggiunta la funzione "copia attributi" / "incolla attributi" nel testo così come negli oggetti, quindi uno shortcut da tastiera per, ad esempio, attribuire un font o aggiungere un grassetto o corsivo a singole parole all'interno di un testo (FreeHand lo faceva ed era comodissimo)
3 votes -
Allow to group a single Intertwine object
A way to workaround the bug with the self-expanding Intertwines on effect application ( would be to group them and apply an effect to this 'protection container'...
But alas, Ai won’t allow that, and grouping an Intertwine object does nothing.
I suspect Illustrator treats it as a group, onle a 'magic' one, and normal group restrictions, such as 'Thou shalt not group a single group' are applied to it.Why then we can’t ungroup an Intertwine... anyway, this one should not be applied, even if you fix the self-expanding.
10 votes -
A rectangular marquee in Intertwine edit mode can’t be repositioned with Spacebar held
When I draw a rectangle, I can hold Space bar to reposition it to a place I want. This would make defining zones in Intertwine Edit mode so much easier, but no, this is not possible — yet, I hope.
Also this is not possible when a new artboard is created which is also a miss:
11 votes -
Hold Space to reposition an artboard while creating it
When I create a rectangle, I can hold Space bar to reposition it to a place I want. For some reason this is not possible when I create new artboards, which are also rectangles in a way.
Also this is not possible when I try to reposition a rectangular zone in Intertwine Edit mode, which I hope will be fixed soon too:
12 votes -
Lasso tool in Intertwine is not the actual Lasso tool and needs a separate cursor
This implies a user can use other tools to draw an intertwine zone, but switching tools just leads to ending the editing mode — which also does not get telegraphed well enough,
While the action this pseudo-tool performs is more or less the same, the difference is murky. Either change the cursor or make the mode more clear.
11 votes -
Make Intertwine Edit mode telegraphed better
Intertwine edit mode is not telegraphed clear enough.
No custom markers (like Live Paint has) for its bounding box (there is NO bounding box at all, when Edit is chosen), no isolation happens (while it perhaps should, to signal the 'lasso' tool won’t grab anything unnecessary), no breadcrumbs strip above, nothing.
No zones are displayed, but it’s another request’s topic.
5 votes -
A group can’t be turned into an Intertwine object
I suspect it’s because the team is going to improve Intertwines and make then operate on groups as elements, instead of single paths, but this does not mean a single selected group should be affected and block us from converting it to an intertwined art.
Live Paint allows to convert a group, no problem with that.
11 votes -
Add Expand command for Intertwine objects
Unlike other special objects, like Live Paint-s, Envelopes, Blends, etc., Intertwine objects don’t have their own Expand command. It’s not very consistent.
We need this command to appear in the menu, the context menu, Properties, Control.
Repeats don’t have this one too, which is also strange:
We have to use the general Object > Expand: Object for this — but is has a dialog, which is not always nice.
A specific Expand allows to choose the order of operations for a complex objects. Take blends, for example — if you apply 'expands' in a wrong order, you risk to…11 votes -
Fit a symbol on multiple 3D objects at once
Would love that a symbol could fit on MULTIPLE objects at once, like here the bottom petal to have its symbol continue on the left one.
And I would love if I could, from the decals box, get a ctrl/right click option to duplicate one symbol. So far, I need to add it from the symbol panel again which will reset its position to the center of the object.
1 vote
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