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4574 results found

  1. Ability to change measurement type under "Art Board Options"

    When an artboard is selected, and ART BOARD OPTIONS menu is active, you can only see measurement in whatever type is already selected DOCUMENT SETUP - i.e. if you get a file that someone built under millimeters, but you work in pixels, inches etc, you have to close the OPTIONS and go back to DOCUMENT SETUP and start over. I have to check art board sizes dozens of times a day and I have to back up many times. A drop down menu under ARTBOARD OPTIONS to change measurement type would be helpful.

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  2. Make a more integrated way to report bugs

    Figma allows to report bugs directly from the web app.
    You go 'Help > Contact Us > Report a bug'. Then you fill out the form, directly in the app, provide steps, attach files... looks very similar to the approach Ai uses, but more streamlined, with no intermediate steps.
    Once it’s done, the dropdown is collapsed, and you are where you were at the moment.

    To report bugs in Illustrator you have to search for the way.
    First one should locate 'Help > Submit Bug/Feature Request'. This redirects you to the browser, to, which can redirect you (with…

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  3. Share for Review link name

    I can see that name of my link, when preparing to share to client, but then I copy the link, ant it's name is really not with that name, that my document is, or I written in link name field. The link appears ugly and long.

    It would be better to send the link to client with short name, that don't look like unsecured link

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  4. After this revision, the paragraph function cannot be used with single-select nodes and the shift button

    To modify the paragraph, you can use the node + Shift button to move and adjust the size without offset.
    After this revision, it cannot be used with the shift button.

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  5. Make Properties panel to have the same width as other panels

    Properties is the widest panel among other panels in Illustrator.
    While other panels by default have the same width (and some are resizable), Properties is too wide.

    It gets specifically disgusting whet it get stacked with other panels — they have to conform the minimal width of Properties and start looking ugly.

    At the same time, the main content of Properties does not look like it needs all that minimal width — there is a huge gap on the right visible in 'properties_1.png' attached.

    Sure, when you have some art selected, it look differently, like in 'properties2.png'... but look

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  6. Searching brushes and other tools by their name in their tab would be great

    I am saving all my brushes and patterns into my file (am I supposed to do that?) and now it grew up to 100 MB.
    With that many brushes, many of them also similar, a search brush by name feature perhaps would be helpful.

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  7. Add separation preview toggle to Share for Review

    When SHARE FOR REVIEW with a stake holder
    Since it is basically a PDF, it would be nice if there was a way to toggle of the separations, especially if it is a spot color only set up and separations are important? or process and a spot color? Is this possible

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  8. Share for review | When sharing a second document it took over the first documents link including all comments etc.

    The share feature is confusing when you have multiple Ai documents to share. I had one document already out to share and then I was working on another document and tried to share that one and somehow it took over the first share link and now all the comments are showing on another document. There needs to be an easier way to manage shared links and link the share button to the current tab/project that is open.

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  9. Rotating objects difficult with 5K monitor

    On smallish objects, I have to zoom in way too far before the rotate handles show up on an object. It was annoying on the 4k monitor. On the 5k monitor it is more than annoying – it's a disruption. (200% zoom on and 1920px artboard) for a 10px object.

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  10. Control panel like that of Indesign

    I've always liked Indesign, especially its control panel top bar.

    I was wondering but is it not possible to have a control bar in Illustrator like the one in Indesign?
    - bigger
    - With More controls
    - Dynamics
    - By inserting quick links to many features that Illustrator makes available to us but every time you have to go and get them from the menus / submenus and you never remember where to go.
    - object / path / path path
    - object / path / offset
    - object / path / add points
    - object / weave

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  11. When moving objects with the arrow keys, hide its bounding box and edges

    When moving objects with the mouse, its bounding box and edges hide, but when moving them with arrow keys, they don't.
    This would be very useful when in need of aligning by eye.

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  12. Numbered List - Choose at which number we wish to start the list.

    Hi, It would be great if we could rearrange the order of lists for Numbered List options.

    You choose which "Levels" the numbering is but what if under that you would have the option to select at which number to start, 2...3...4 or whatever number we wish to insert.

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  13. Raccourci clavier avec "Command+E" pour Importer Image

    Pourquoi avoir changé ce raccourci clavier qui était simple et efficace ?

    Raccourci clavier avec "Command+E" pour Importer Image

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  14. Arial字體阿拉伯數字無法顯示使用


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  15. Spot Colors Change the name to JPG

    It would be nice if you could change the spot color names in inserted images (JPG, PNG...) without going through Photoshop.

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  16. Font unit change Adobe Illustrator

    Unfortunately, you have to laboriously change the font unit from e.g. pt to mm and vice versa in the presets.
    A switch in the character panel would be desirable.
    You can also change the letter height there. Here, however, the mm specification is required in most cases.
    However, we use this function to quickly check the font height in mm.
    We would welcome a feature expansion.

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  17. All bounding boxes always visible

    An option to show all bounding boxes would be useful. Currently, only the selected object is displayed with a "border". This would help to locate specific objects that are sometimes hard to see. It could look similar to how it looks after using the "select all" option. Probably the problem then would be to highlight the actually selected item. But it could be quick to switch on/off, or it could be in a different e.g. slightly simplified form (compared to "select all")

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  18. New layer ordering

    Would LOVE a "preference" option to choose whether your new layers/artboards appear above the existing layers/artboards or below them.

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  19. Save for Web is disabled

    Open both files attached in any Ai version from 26.4.1 to 27, and try to File > Export > Save for Web (Legacy) for both.
    The command will be disabled for the 'bad' and enabled for 'good', although the only rectangle in both is the same.
    There is something wrong in the file structure then, but what?

    Also, the ExportOptionsPNG24 does nothing if a script with it gets run.

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  20. 4 votes

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