Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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- Why is this valuable to you?
19 results found
Please support WebP, JPEG XL/XS, HEIC(HEIF), aPNG file formats (import and export)
Dear Illustrator team, pleas add support for thess file formats in Illustrator: WebP, JPEG XL, JPEG XS, HEIC(HEIF), aPNG
69 votesWebP export support is added in illustrator Beta 27.6.
Please test it to see if it matches your expectations.
There is no information yet about exporting other formats requested. Meanwhile, we can import / place HEIC/HEIF, WebP and AVIF already.
57 votes -
Non-breaking space (NBSP) should work
AI ignores NBSP when it's places as symbol. 'No break' option is an option but ridiculously hard to be applied quickly. Anyway NBSP should work
41 votesIllustrator Beta 29.2.10 now supports Nonbreaking space (U+00A0).
It can also be added with Type > Insert WhiteSpace Character > Nonbreaking Space command.
Please try this build and see if it works for you as expected.
My sincere congratulations to everyone. This symbol means a lot!
Hex shortcode support
Typing in #333 should auto-complete to #333333, not #000333. Makes UI design frustrating for those with a dev background.
36 votesBeta build now adds enhanced hex code format and extends support for input color values in decimal format, string name format.
Shortened Codes: single-digit (F = FF0000), double-digit (FA = FAFAFA), three-digit (123 = 112233)
Decimal Format Support: enter values like 12,255,09 or 12 255 09 or 12.255.09 and get accurate translations — 0cff09.
Predefined CSS Color Names: use names like 'red' (FF0000), 'blue' (0000FF), or even partial matches like 'ye' for yellow (FFFF00).
Please try this and comment back if it works as you expect it to.
Paste / repeat symbols / objects into a text along a path
In Indesign you can copy a path and paste it into a text field, including along a path. This is great because if you paste it repeatedly you can then adjust it like you would with type eg changing height and width, spacing etc.
I would like to be able to do the same in illustrator.
30 votesIllustrator Beta now offers a dedicated Objects on Path construct to allow some basic distribution operations for selected objects and a chosen path. So far it allows uniform distribution only, global rotation and global pivot control, widget to control these on canvas, attaching and detaching (including isolation operations).
This is not an extension of Type on Path, but a separate type of object. The text can be used with it, but will be treated as a separate object, not per-character.
I assume some would be happy to have it and get it improved later. Pasting an object into a text, however, is still a needed thing, and is a different request — Inline Graphics / Anchor Object to text ability (like InDesign) — please upvote it if you find it useful.
As for this new object type — kindly try in Illustrator Beta and provide your feedback, so the team…
User defined scales for Dimension tool
Repost from general discussions:
I'm delighted to see the addition of the dimensioning tool, but I'm not wild about the fixed choice of scaling ratios. The option to set one's own scales would be great.Failing that, a 1:12 scale seems like a glaring omission for those of us still using inches and feet.
Am I missing something?
Feature request , How-to24 votesIt is possible now to set up a custom scale in Ai Beta
In Dimension Tool Options dialog open the Scale dropdown and choose custom to get the Custom Scale dialog.
It works for decimal scales only, like 1:12 or 1:15, but not for Imperial scales like 1/16"
Please try it and comment back.
Can you PLEASE PLEASE just put a simple trash can icon on the links panel so i can just delete links that are no longer pertinent?
Can you PLEASE PLEASE just put a simple trash can icon on the links panel so I can quickly and easily delete links to images that are no longer pertinent. this would be valuable because I use the same base maps over and over but import different source sketches that I trace/digitize on to the map. once the feature is digitized and I've deleted the sketch the link lives on forever. Or better yet, just the way it works in InDesign (maybe you've heard of it) - if you delete the image, the link to it automatically deletes.
24 votesThe Links panel now has a Delete button in the latest Beta (
Please check and try if it works for you as expected.
You can access Beta in the Beta section of your CCD app.
Display Measurement Labels when Snap to Grid is on
We can enable Measurement Labels in Preferences > Smart guides, to display a drawn line’s length, or width/height for shapes, or distance for moved objects.
But once you enable Snap to Grid, labels stop being displayed.
I get it, Smart Guides stop work in terms of snapping and actual guides rendering, but why ditch labels? We still draw and move, and it’s maybe even more important with snapping on!14 votesThis is fixed in the latest Beta Build — now the measurement labels are displayed when both Snap to Grid and Smart Guides are enabled. Please check if this now behaves as expected and comment back
The Dimension Tool needs to have live updates
I like the new dimension tool, but it's not very helpful unless it updates the displayed dimensions when the size of the dimensioned object is changed. It should stay attached to the selected points when the size of the shape is changed as well.
13 votesThe Beta now create live dimension objects, that track and follow the changes to the measured objects: resizing, rotating, moving...
As for now, moving only dimension breaks the link and expands the dimension (hopefully will change, and break the link only).
Moving an object with its related dimension currently expand the dimension as well (hopefully won’t do it either).
Please test the change and share feedback — it helps a lot!
Select Same Text Contents
Please make a way to select text object with the same contents.
Would be very useful for many practical cases.
Sure with have Find and Replace, but it won’t allow us to SELECT these text objects,, which we can use for styling, hiding, moving, rearranging, and more.12 votesThe latest Beta version (27.7) has the ability to filter contents of the Layers panel with an input field at the top of the panel. It does not directly select the objects that have the chosen value in their names (this includes the text contents), but allows to select them faster in the panel.
Does it help?
Have an 'Expand' button in the Image Trace panel
It's a pretty crazy change to remove it...
Why have it tucked away in the menus ?!8 votes -
An option to hide units in dimensions made with the Dimension Tool
Can you add an option so that the units are not displayed for dimensions and only the number is displayed? Thank you.
7 votesLatest Beta Builds now allow to hide units for dimensions.
Toggle the option in the tool’s options dialog to force it for new objects, or disable it in the Properties panel for existing and selected dimensions.
Please re-add 3D mapping with Symbols to new 3D functionality
Please re-add 3D mapping with Symbols to the new 3D functionality.
I know it's included in the "3D (Classic)" Effects menu, but it needs to be added to the new 3D functionality. Calling it "Classic" means Adobe is going to abandon it (for something worse). I use 3D mapping with Symbols ALL THE TIME. PLEASE add it back.
Thank you!7 votesMapping is now available in Beta. There are some known issues with it, but even more unknown ones, so the team encourages you to try it and write back about your experience with it, to help to make it better.
Inertia scrolling aka "flick panning"
Scrolling around artboards should adhere to the OS standards of having some momentum to scrolling, or at least the option to enable "flick panning" like Ps
7 votesBeta now has Flick Pan option, enabled by default, located in Preferences > Performance.
At the moment it works only for trackpad and Hand tool, not for middle-mouse pan or Spacebar pan.
Please try it and comment back.
Show Smart guides when using Curvature Tool
When using the curvature tool to creat a symmetric curve, it would be nice when smart guides (to the center) are shown.
4 votesIt seems to work in the latest Beta, the Curvature Tool now respects Smart Guides. The position quantization for new points is still there, and these two snaps seem to fight, but it is usable finally. Please test it and provide some feedback.
Add more Live Shape Presets
Please add shape presets for common shapes such as donuts, pies, tear-shapes, double stars (stars with two different lengths of points), square stars, cloud shapes, trapezoids, double arrows, cogs, and crescents. This would streamline the process of creating flat vector icons if there were shape presets for these common shapes. The idea would be to add adjustable anchor points to preset versions of the shapes mentioned above that the user could adjust in the menu or control panel. For example, for the cloud shape, the two parameters could be the number of bubbles & the inner radius(the radius of the…
4 votesYou can now try the Star as a Live Shape in the latest Beta
Please test it and share your feedback on the tool.
When you draw a rope knot using the pen tool it will keep track of first to last click. Using appearance pallet apply 2 strokes
ability to draw a rope knot using the pen tool it will keep track first to last click not allowing inner color overlapping when using appearance pallet and applying 2 strokes to the path.
4 votesSean, the new Beta release have an option to Intertwine objects, giving you a way to make knots like this. It won’t work exactly the way you described, especially for multiple strokes, but it’s going there.
Please try it and give your feedback.
Selective Vectorize: Vectorize specific parts of an image with Image Trace
Vectorize specific parts of an image using this Selective Vectorize tool. It allows users to explicitly ignore certain parts of the image by marking only the required parts.
3 votesDear Users,
Introducing Selective Vectorization in Image Trace: Introducing the capability to selectively trace objects from a Raster Image. To use this capability:
- Select the selective vectorization tool from Image Trace Panel
- Hover over the Embedded Image, it will annotate the selected regions
- Use Up/Down arrow key to adjust the selected regions
- Clicking will select that part of image
- Use Shift key user can add to selection
- Use Option/Alt key to remove a selection
- Trace the Image
Note: Selective Vectorization only works on embedded images.
Known Issue: Annotation might appear incorrect when Image is scaled after place and embed.
Is this technology useful in your workflow?
Please try it out in BETA and let us know your feedback.
Want to see a cloud/web based Illustrator
Want to see a cloud/web based Illustrator
2 votesAs per the comment, Illustrator on the web is now a thing and you can try it.
If you have a Creative Cloud subscription that includes Illustrator, go to and learn more here:
You also have to be an a state that is allowed to use new Adobe services.
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