AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator)
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6077 results found
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
50 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
90 votes
We are working towards giving preference to Photoshop for editing linked images, if Ps is installed. This may mean the label showing as ‘Edit on Photoshop’ when an linked image is selected. The change does not affect OS level file type associations.
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea · -
139 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment An error occurred while saving the comment Edges get disabled when you use GPU Preview. Sure there should be a way to view them still without loosing the performance boost.
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·An error occurred while saving the comment Here is the file
An error occurred while saving the comment Toggling Hide Edges looks exactly like your video to me.
Here’s the GIF. What is the difference?An error occurred while saving the comment It feels like Cmd+H was pressed unintentionally, and Illustrator stopped showing edges to you. Please try to enable them back, with Ctrl+H or via View > Show Edges.
Does it help?An error occurred while saving the comment You mean a guide? Known bug. Disable GPU for now or try to drag a guide using Direct Selection tool.
An error occurred while saving the comment Known bug.
Vote here:
As a temp solution, disable GPU preview.Please merge.
An error occurred while saving the comment Yep, known problem.
Please also vote for the more general request about missing items in GPU: error occurred while saving the comment Confirm. These should be visible.
Also vote for the related request: error occurred while saving the comment @Steve — could you calmly explain what's you think is broken for Pixel grid? Just a short list. I'm just curious and want to compare mine with yours.
An error occurred while saving the comment Well, I think that real-time drawing feature (which is great and at least 15 years late) just lack one more little option: 'Keep edges while dragging'.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment A similar request, but with a slightly different goal: Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea · -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Yep, the fact Ai can’t place files in it’s own format is just stupid.
It’s like we were not able to use smarts in Photoshop (although I believe it is based on having a flatten copy displayed instead of the full stack) or pre-compose in AfterEffects. -
13 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) shared this idea ·
23 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment At least we have Stylizm, a plugin from Astute Graphics, which solves this for those who wish to pay for having it perfect right away. I t does not mean it doesn’t have to be done! We need this!
AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) shared this idea · -
18 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment There's a method to save a current workspace, but a not very user-friendly.
Create a new workspace and try to save it using the very same name the current one has. This will override it and thus save the changes.
Not very convenient, I agree. -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Leon, it feels like the exact thing native Transform panel can do. If you select two guides (let’s say vertical ones), the panel displays the distance between them as 'width', and the reference point block allows you to choose which side you want to stick to when changing it.
It is not that accessible as you want in the request, no context menu (there is a separate request to have it generally customizable,, and you can’ use a hotkey to quickly focus the Width and Height fields in Transform sections of Properties/Control/Transform panels (there is another request to have it,, and you have to set the reference point by clicking, instead of hotkey-ing one (there is a request for this too, but it’s doable.
Finally, you can also flip with the reference point set up, with Flip Horizontally / Vertically commands from the Transform panel’s menu (which can be put into an action, but not assigned to a direct hotkey).How does it differ from the task you have at hand? Please comment back.
10 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
12 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) shared this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment There is a free script that can turn a mixed selection into points-selection only, but not as a hotkey held before (and actually we have no more modifiers left to allow this), but after a selection is initially done. Once assigned to an action, it can be a quite a fast way to deal with the problem.
Here it is: -
13 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment It has criminally little votes.
I’d suggest something like holding Ctrl to enable this. Feels like a good mnemonic rule to me, 'Control the angle!' :)
Meanwhile I know of the paid plugin that does this but in a different way, InkScribe by AstuteGraphics. It feels different than the Pen but is considered to be a much better alternative by some users. It also fixes other issues the Pen has. -
30 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Tony, for now you can use this script: error occurred while saving the comment There's a script that does this. Record an action that launches is and bind it to the shortcut.
The native way though will be great thing to have. -
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Janaid, you can do it now, with a small limitation. It works in 90%, because Ai has some legacy limitation on types of objects to be used in Global Edit, because it’s based on creating a temporary symbol, and symbols still don’t support live text and images, placed or linked. Meshes are OK, strangely.
To replace an object using Global Edit, copy the thing you want to replace with, then select the one copy you want to be replaced and enter the mode. Then isolate the chosen object (Isolate Selected Object button on Control panel or a custom assigned hotkey) — this will allow you to paste the replacement and delete the old art. If you delete first, Ai exits the mode, so paste first, delete after, then exit.
Now you have your object replaced.There is also another solution to make it a bit simpler — the Global Edit to Symbol script by the brilliant Takashi-san:
It is a paid solution, but if you need this often, it might worth it.Please comment back if it works for you as a workaround.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment What happens now... now we wait until Ai fixes other urgent bugs until this one gets picked, if ever picked. Unfortunately the list is stupendously long, and there can be several years until it happens.
The team tires to pick these up on the way, but the bandwidth is limited.
Generally, the more votes the request gets, the higher is the chance for it to be proceeded.
Try to bring more attention to it and hope for the better. Sadly, this is as much as much I can promise. The idea is nice and I hope it gets noticed.AdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·An error occurred while saving the comment So you offer Ai to track if the placed document have the same names for swatches and ask a user, which one does he want to use for merging, am I correct? Per swatch or for all at once, with a simple dialog?
This sounds plausible to me.Thanks for bringing this up. I can imagine what problems it could have been causing, especially when the difference between colors is not that prominent and you have a lot of them.
An error occurred while saving the comment Perhaps it can’t be done that easily or at all... what happens if you place another file with another values for the same named swatches? Which child then should control the parent? The latest one? The first one? It will bring more chaos that control, if a child will be allowed to perform such a backwards inverted logic, to have the parent adapt the data from the child...
How do you plan to solve this?
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Drew, there are several Expand operations in Illustrator, and it’s easy to get confused with them, because they all are named in a similar fashion.
'Object > Expand Appearance' here will turn your complex appearance into a set of simpler objects. So you live arrowheads and live adjusted dashes get converted into real circles and series of connected lines. So 'Expand Appearance' disassembles complex appearance into a simpler appearance.
'Object > Expand' should convert complex objects into simpler objects. Strokes to fills, blends to arrays of copies, gradient fills to flat fills or meshes. But notice that here you can’t use this command, it’s grayed out! This happens (and I can’t agree with that, I'll explain why below) because you use complex appearance, arrowheads specifically. Illustrator can’t expand strokes before you expand appearance, because it may alter the appearance.
But what to do then?
Use 'Object > Blend > Expand'! Normally 'Object > Expand' on a live blend does the same, but here Ai gets confused with arrowheads. This will make your blend into an array of intermediate steps as lines, with live appearance, which you later can expand with 'Expand appearance', AFTER you expand the blend.See, the problem is that when you Expand Appearance first, the blend stays live (Expand Appearance never expand blends, as stated above, it’s a different aspect). So now Ai have to blend your expanded adjusted dashes and separated arrowheads — and because these new shapes don't exactly match, the blends goes awry.
TLDR: first expand blend, with the dedicated command, and the appearance after to have consistent result.
Does it help you to solve the problem?
2 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
7 votesAdminEgor Chistyakov (Admin, Adobe Illustrator) supported this idea ·
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