You took away the highlighted outlines from when I select and create objects
I cannot see the outlines highlighted on anything I select, this has ruined my ability to use this program.
I tried going into preferences and selecting the option for showing anchors when I select and it did not work either.
I want the old version back, this is useless, PLEASE STOP CONSTANTLY UPDATING THIS PROGRAM

Sorry to hear that you are facing this issue. Looks like you have ‘Show Edges’ option disabled. Goto View→ Show Edges and it will enable the outlines.
Yasm commented
I have found that the view > show edges (Ctrl-H) preference has started to occasionally reset itself. Perhaps this is what's happening to you?
It certainly caused me a few all-caps moments before I figured out what it was...
Oz commented
You can install old versions from the Creative Cloud program that lurks down in the system tray. (assuming you're running Windows.)
Open that up and hit the down-arrow in the Illustrator section, then click Manage. This brings a sub-menu with "Other Versions" as an option. That gives you a list of old versions to install.
I'd uninstall the newest one first, though. I'm finding that multiple versions don't co-exist all that well.