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4512 results found

  1. Add "tight" leading to preset leading

    From the beginning, Illustrator has offered an "Auto" setting for leading, plus specific setting numbers (12pt, 14pt, 18pt, 21pt, et al). What I wish that you would add is a setting for "tight leading," in other words, leading set to the same point size as the font itself. Like 10/10, 12/12, 72/72. Seems like an easy, one line of code kind of addition. And I, for one, would be eternally grateful for it.

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  2. Add and option for Offset Path command and effect to respect the direction and starting point of the original path

    Offset Path makes width and length of a rectangle to swap

    When applying Offset Path after making a rectangle, the size of width and length of the rectangle are changed into each other and the rectangle gets rotated 270 degrees even though real shape is not changed.
    It seems bug need to be fixed.

    I attatched gif video and related link.

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  3. Issue exporting PDF larger than 227 inches - compression ppi not at 100%

    When exporting a large document in PDF/X-4 2008 for example, and the compression is set to 100 ppi, the image gets exported at 10 dpi instead, and has to be set at 1,000 ppi for the pdf actually read as 100 ppi. ( this happens with any number not just 100 dpi)

    This whoever doesn't happen when exporting as Tiff, just when saving as .PDF

    I have attached 2 set of screenshots when exporting at 100 dpi and 1,000 dpi and getting the results I was explaining.

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  4. Make calligraphic brush support dashes

    "Dashed Line" does not work. At all. Even default brush does not respond. V28.3 on both OSX and Windows.

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  5. One Standard Between Adobe Application Tools

    In PS I can use the several tool and click and holding Shift key and click on a point on the other end. This will either erase or paint a corresponding line at the other end.

    Is this not a feature inside AI?

    Appears in AI I have to hold the left mouse key and drag to get the eraser to draw a straight line..

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  6. 求助!一个大文件打不开了


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  7. DXF format support

    Can u add DXF format support, to directly open in Illustrator. Now i open DXF in Corel and save to PDF and then open in Illustrator for working. I am into apparel/fashion field. Garment patterns are important to be opened in actual size so we add prints and other embellishments to actual and see.

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  8. For personal workspace and palette preferences carry over to updates.

    I have a highly customized workspace for my workflow. It would be nice to cary over all of settings and preferences from the previous version. With the rapid release of beta versions, it becomes a big issue and I lose a lot of time resetting my environment to accommodate my existing workflow.

    If this already exist, please tell me how to address it. Thanks!

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  9. OKHSL Color Model Support - Better than HSL

    The HSL color model has a lot of issues with it and has been improved upon with OKHSL.

    See this article—once you see the OKHSL color wheel, you will be sold instantly! Looks way better.

    See attached images of HSL vs OKHSL.

    Full article:

    Would be great to have this in Illustrator.

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  10. 复合路径建立的剪切蒙版


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  11. Introduce a way to control the cross-section for 3D Inflate profile

    For "Inflate", it would be cool to have a curves/profile editor to modify the cross-section more than the Volume slider currently allows. Currently it seems that turning down the volume essentially pancakes the object - and sometimes that's a good look! But it would be nice to have the option to retain an overall "bubble" feel like the object has at 100% Volume.

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  12. Copy and Pase Layer with sorted and named sublayer looses all the structure after pasting.

    Keep the layer structure that is copied and paste it in the same structure after pasting into new location.

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  13. Can we have nicer gradient when we use spot color to gradient?

    Look like the tone was mixed with desaturated tone at the middle part when we use pantone / spot colour we created.
    When we output to print, the desaturated tone is still visible.
    Attached the screenshot for your reference. Thank you!

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  14. can we have a Chinese paragraph arrangement function (Hyphenate) in English Illustrator, which is now only available in Chinese illustrator

    as a Chinese English Illustrator user, we are more familiar with English Illustrator interface than Chinese, even though we can read Chinese. It will be really convenient for us to have the hyphenate function, which is now only available in Chinese Illustrator, to be also available in English Illustrator, like Hebrew, Arabic, Dutch etc...

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  15. Detailed Cloud Libraries history and version control

    We need a way to see the edit history for items in a cloud library, including at a minimum when an asset was updated and who made the change... as well as the ability to restore a specific version.

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  16. Sort layers and objects in alphabetical order

    Allow to re-order content in Layers in alphabetical order

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  17. Type number of sides for polygon tool and star tool

    Currently to get a number of points on a star you have to type the [up key] or [down key] But often I know what number of points or sides I want on the polygon or star.

    I'd like the ability to type the number of sides/points.

    This could be achieved in a number of ways:
    - An option panel (could change it after the fact as long as it is selected as long as the points haven't been moved?)
    - hold and drag and type the number (say 3, 6, 9, etc)
    - double click on the polygon/star icon…

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  18. Get rid of prompt window

    i would love to be able to hide/get rid of that prompt window that says "generate, edit path, repeat, group, lock.." that pops up. its pretty annoying.

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  19. Trim View - Isolate to one artboard only

    I like the option of "Trim View" to temporarily hide artwork that outside of my artboard. But when I have overlapping artboards and I try to use trim view on one of them Illustrator combines the area of the overlapping artboards and trims everything outside of that "merged" artboard. This defeats the purpose of using trim view for me. I would like trim view to isolate the artboard I'm working on and only that artboard. It would also be nice if the black lines showing the other artboard extents would also disappear when entering trim view for a single artboard.…

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  20. Increase selection tolerance

    The selection tolerance maximum is 8px. My laptop has a 4k screen making 8px less than 1/64 of an inch. It's almost impossible for me to select lines in Illustrator with this small of a tolerance.

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