Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4539 results found
Separate "Ask when opening" settings for color mismatches
We have a large team that's constantly opening previous projects. The print team is separate from the video team.
For the video team, the CMYK profile is sort of irrelevant, but the RGB isn't.
Is there a way to have Illustrator tell about only RGB color mismatches when opening the file, and just preserve CMYK?
Basically, I'd like to have the result of "Ask when opening" different for CMYK and RGB.
That way the team can keep a policy of preserving CMYK without getting a popup every time, but act only RGB profile mismatches.
2 votes -
Uniform dashes at end of paths
It would be great to have uniform dashes at the end of paths when
"Aligns dashes to corners and path ends, adjusting lengths to fit" is on.Currently we seem to get half sized dashes with this option on
3 votes -
Non-destructive clipping mask options
An option where you take a whole object or group and use it's whole area(including strokes) as a clipping mask for other layers. Similar to what you can do in Photoshop.
So you can create for instance, a shape with stroke and set it as the clipping mask for an underlying texture. Without the need to flatten it, so you can experiment with it, or keep a text live for later editting it.
Or have multiple shapes working as the clipping mask while you are choosing the appropriate combination or later need to adapt to a different format.
2 votes -
I would like to ask for a reminder or alarm feature
I would like to ask for a reminder or alarm feature, which can be in the settings and the user can set it up (somewhat personalized)
- I need a reminder to hit save every 5 minutes.
- I would like to set a reminder for a mistake I usually do half way through my design. (so maybe a reminder to double check the artwork process)1 vote -
Can you build an illustrator that crashes every minute instead of every five minutes?
Can you build an illustrator that does not crash every single day? How is this possible? Used to be able to run illustrator for weeks without a crash and now it crashes everyday. Your garbage products get worse by the minute. Useless!!!
1 vote -
Add a Text to Speech Feature for those with Dyslexia or other handicaps.
Include in the Illustrator and other Adobe application features the accomodation of Text To Speech. That way when people who are dyslexic or have another handicap may be having a hard time, when you are able to have the computer read the directions of tutorials, etc to you.
1 vote -
Add project canvas feature (as in Fresco)
As a graphic recorder I need to project my work live for audiences on big screens. i would love to have an option to showcase just the canvas screen (no tools and button clicks) while projecting.
1 vote -
Puppet Warp should respect existing layer structures.
I love Puppet Warp but I hate having to ungroup my paths and put them back in the layer structure that works for me when I'm done using Puppet Warp.
Please do whatever needs to be done so that I can grab a bunch of paths about multiple layers, Puppet Warp them, and have them stay in the same place they were before I did this. I'm fine if it's a switch in the tool's settings because some people love this behavior.
2 votes -
Please figure out how windows work. AI app window keeps on getting obstructed and out of focus
my idea, is that the app window is "in focus" as soon as you touch any part of it. Being no web app can obscure it — which it does on the daily. Webex, Chrome and even Safari feel free appearing on top of my AI window. Ma dudes. Tell me I am not the 1st one to notice.
2 votes -
Wacom 6D brushes / better performance and extended settings for calligraphy brushes
It would be nice if there were more options for textures in Ai. The basic brush set “Wacom 6d-Brushes” was an interesting approach. Unfortunately, the brushes are not useful for round shapes. The rendering only divides the projection into straight lines. Basically, I think they are ordinary calligraphy brushes with some custom settings.
I wish that the settings for brushes in general were a bit more advanced and usable.
Opacity and speed are important parameters for intuitive drawing and would make contours so much more vivid...1 vote -
Align is immune to Constrain Angle
If we change Constrain Angle in Preferences general, our grid gets rotated, all shapes get create as rotated...
Pretty powerful, right? Read more about it here, in the Rotate the x and y axes of a document:, even though it’s an old feature, it was never completed, it seems.
Align functions just ignore it, making alignment to an angle a rather cumbersome endeavor: also makes Rotate View pretty useless (which does not counter-rotate the Constrain Angle, unless you use free Direct Prefs plugin by Astute Graphics to handle it automatically, among other things) —
4 votes -
Center Pattern Command
Draw a vector shape and fill with a pattern, notice this is not centered. To do this is a long meticulous process prone to error.
Can we get an option in the Align panel to do this?
19 votes -
Objects on Path needs a way to control spacing / gaps precisely, with a value
At the moment we can’t control spacing (gaps) between objects on path ion the new Objects on Path type of object (what a beautiful sentence).
We can only eyeball it with a slider, which is incrementing by points (despite me having set millimeters as my ruler units).
There is no field I can type something like 0.125 mm, or at least a modifier key (like Cmd/Ctrl) to make the slider go slower ×10 (or any other value I choose somewhere in Preferences or at least in Adobe Prefs file, buried in Ai’s folders).
Perhaps yo should also allow us to…
6 votes -
Add Font Height Options in Style Settings Panel
Can we get this option added within the Paragraph and Character Style Settings panels?
Currently you can only fix the font height of a Paragraph and Character styles with Em-box as a reference.4 votes -
Add TIFF format into Export for Screens / Assets dialog
We need a way to export assets (and artboards) as TIFFs using modern Export for Screens / Assets dialog.
81 votes -
Add Round Butt cap option for strokes
The original idea by Johan Perjus, from
There are quite a few cases where I use rounded strokes as a starting point for building shapes and where this option would be useful, as in order to know the correct outer dimensions of a stroke, one has to deduct the stroke with from the end caps.
3 votes -
The Reflect tool should respect stroke variable width and Use Preview Bounds option
The original idea by Johan Perjus, from
Notice how the thicker stroke width moves to the outside of the circle when using the reflect tool, meaning that the reflect tool currently does not take the stroke width in consideration when performing a reflect (or mirror). One therefore have to manually edit the stroke width after using the tool in order to achieve a truly reflected version of the object.
2 votes -
A proposal to fix the mess that is Preferences > Units
The original idea by Johan Perjus, from
Units of measure settings are a mess right now, units can be set for General, Stroke and Type on a “global” level under Illustrator > Preferences, but “General” are overridden by Unit settings on document (local) level, however it does not apply to, nor can it be changed for Stroke and Type on document level. Thus adds a lot of unnecessary back and forth visits to Preferences > Units if you are working with delivery for different mediums (who isn’t?) print, web, motion graphics and so on, add multiple markets to that…
2 votes -
Allow for negative value input and Option click with Line Segment Tool
The original idea by Johan Perjus, from
As you may know, holding down the Option key and clicking on your artboard with any of the shape tools (Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Star) creates the shape centered on where you clicked, as opposed to the right and down from where you clicked. Please also apply this function to the Line Segment Tool as well as allow for negative value input in order to create the line in the opposite direction of the current angle value, just as you can enter a negative value to move an object in the opposite direction…
2 votes -
Make documents honor artboard settings when adding additional artboards
The original idea by Johan Perjus, from
When you create a new document, under More Settings you can indicate how you want the succeeding Artboards to appear (see the image).
However, if you add more artboards to the same document after it was created, this setting is not honored, but appears with the default setting, which is to the right of current Artboard. Even when the down and left icons are selected under Properties > Artboards > Quick Actions > Rearrange All Artboards.
On the positive side, Illustrator does appear to at least honor the Spacing setting (thanks to…
2 votes
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