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4522 results found

  1. Allow user to disable Brush cursor circle guide.

    Give the user the option to disable the brush cursor guide. Some seem to like it but it would be helpful to me to be able to turn It off.

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  2. Can you please add the Outline Stroke to the Right-Click menu?

    I love using illustrator and i use it a lot and while I'm working in it I've noticed I use the Object/Path/Outline Stroke command quite frequently, and it's rather time consuming to repeat these steps every time I need to outline a stroke. That being said I'd like to appeal to you that you'd consider adding the Outline Stroke option to the Right-Click mouse dropdown menu when a Stroke is selected. It would help a lot. Thanks!

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  3. Open Current File Location

    It would be amazing if you add Open Current File Location under the "File" dropdown.

    It is a really minor thing, but it would significantly impact productivity.

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  4. Split "Scale strokes and Effects" into two options...

    Please split the "Scale strokes and effects" into two options, one for strokes, and one for effects. See mockup attached.

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  5. Option to sort font list randomly instead of alphabetically

    I find myself using fonts that start with the letter A very frequently... The ability to sort the font list randomly would introduce some variety into my designs I think. Sometimes I'm looking for a font by name, but often I find myself scrolling through the list to see what catches my eye. I think sorting the list randomly would help with this.

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  6. Adaptive pressure variation for the Blob Brush

    I would love to define the size variation of the Blob brush with percent instead of pt.

    It´s pretty anoying when I´m painting with e.g. 6pt brush and a size variation by pen pressure of 3pt ( 50%) and after changing brushsize to 3pt the pressure variation stays at 3pt. So i have to manualy adjust it to 1 or 2 pt.

    It would be great to give it a percentage so I could define it maby with 60% to have the same feeling how the pen pressure effects the brush size when scaling the brush up and down (there…

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  7. ペンツールのカーソルについて


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  8. Change line color and fill color of groups in one click

    Let say you have multiple groups existing of line segments and filled objects (lines and circles for example). If I want to change the color of the lines and objects of a group, by clicking on a group, that is not possible. Or all line segments get a fill too or all the objects get a line too.

    To fix this, I have to go inside the group, select all the objects, change the fill and then select all the line segments and change the line color.

    A button to change the color of all line segments and the color…

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  9. Preference setting for a common "root" folder for add-on files

    It would be great if the Illustrator Preferences had a way to specify a central root folder for the location of (and default save location) for add-ons, such as Brushes, Graphic styles, Swatches Templates, and others. (Similar to the existing "Additional Plug-ins Folder" setting).

    Illustrator currently seems to have very scatterbrained way of handling files, which I am sure there is some history or reason for, depending on the team that happened to develop that section of code.


    If you save Brush, Symbol, Graphic Styles, ..., libraries, when it defaults to want to save under a long winding path,…

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  10. Recently Added Items

    Hi. My name is Reza Alavi, Design Manager in XBOX design studio Microsoft. We use Adobe Illustrator as our base software for illustration and we recently started using the cloud library which is really great. However we have a suggestion to add a feature that might help us a lot. It would be awesome to have a view of libraries of "recently added items"

    Right now there is a filter for "date modified" but it's not clear what items were added/modified, just a resorting of the library lists.

    This would help us to know what new items are added recently…

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  11. Enable tool palettes to ‘Show Options’ by default as a Preferences setting (all CC apps)

    I am posting this under Illustrator but it applies to many (most?) Creative Cloud apps.

    Many (most?) tool palettes only show a subset of their options by default. To see all options one has to choose the palette's popup menu and click ‘Show Options’.

    When working on a smallish screen (as I generally do on my laptop) it makes sense to frequently put palettes away, so this is incredibly annoying because the choice doesn't persist.

    When a palette has been closed or minimised, one has to do this every time one wants to access an option input that Adobe has…

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  12. プリント画面表示時にそのバックの作業画面のスクロールを可能にして欲しい


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  13. 日本語での作業時にフォントの選択が困難を極めます。

    日本語版を使用しているとフォントの数が極端に多くなります。モリサワ、フォントワークスなどがサブスクリプションで多数の書体が使えるようになっており、そのうえフォントの名前が頭にA-OTFなどのベンダーのつけた記号によって、記憶しているフォント名順にならず、さらに欧文フォントが多数インストールされており、とどめにAdobeTypeが加わり、フォントの並び順がめちゃくちゃでかつスクロールも以上に長く、使いたいフォントにすぐたどり着けません。最近使用したフォントをフォントメニューの頭に並ぶ設定にすると、こんどは実際に書類のフォントを変えながら探すときに、毎回フォントメニューの頭に戻ってしまい、たとえば欧文でAの名前から順に探すために毎回ながいスクロールをするハメになります。また、ラップトップの小さい画面で選べるようにポップアップしたフォントメニューの天地幅が狭く、大型モニタで作業する多くのユーザーは少しの範囲しかないポップアップで延々スクロールしなければなりません。提案は3点。 1|フォントのポップアップの天地幅を大きなモニタで長くして欲しい。 2|フォントメニューのフォント名の並び順を任意に変えられるようにして欲しい。 3|微妙に違うフォントが増えたので、フォント名の右側だけではなく、固定ウインドウにもっと大きなサンプルを表示して欲しい。以上です。英語版以外の特に日本語版のフォント選択の不便さは誰もが困っているはずです。非能率このうえない状態をユーザにいつまで強いるのでしょうか。改善を強く望みます。

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  14. Send crash reports to plugin developers.

    Today I was exploring a plugin. It is a very nice plugin that does some very powerful things but it is also a little fragile, and it crashed a lot while I was using it. I quickly learnt to save a lot while working with this plugin.

    And the crash report dialogue kept on piling up. But I knew it would be useless as this was very likely to be due to something I was doing to make the plugin break, rather than Illustrator break. What're AI's developers gonna do with this crash log? Nothing. It's useless to you.


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  15. 2 votes

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    I would curse here normally but I am trying to refrain, I have taken 10 minutes from my day today to see if this irritating feature that I have never used and even as a newcomer would never use either can be disabled as it infuriates me.

    User experience research was not undertaken with this feature clearly as many of the community have voiced their frustrations with this exact feature.

    REMOVE IT PLEASE, else I will look at cancelling the subscription just due to this, that's how irritating this pointless feature is, and this is not the first time Adobe…

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  17. プロパティパネルのアピアランス部分に濃度設定を追加してほしい





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  18. Control stroke thickness spanning across the whole line.

    Ability to control the stroke thickness on different points on a single line, much like how the gradient works, but with stroke thickness.

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  19. Bring Back Align To as a USER CHOICE !!

    No ONE solution fits for ALIGN TO function. How about going back to when USERS HAD CHOICES. The fancy dynamic feature sucks. I want control BACK to what is being align. I don't want that. tool to change how it works. Bring Back Align To as a USER CHOICE !!

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    Ho un box di testo con alcuni caratteri rossi ed alcuni caratteri neri.
    Voglio copiare tutte le specifiche di testo (font, ecc.) da un altro blocco di testo con lo strumento contagocce senza modificare i colori del box di destinazione.
    Vedo che dallo strumento contagocce ci sarebbe la possibilità di escludere/includere il rilevamento del colore, ma quando si applica al box di destinazione tutto il testo contenuto diventa di un unico colore....

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