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4553 results found

  1. Batch Copy Transform Data (Dimensions, Location, Rotation) between Objects

    I often need to update assets by swapping in objects, placed to match existing position, dimensions and rotation data. Would it be possible to copy all transform data at once rather than one attribute at a time?

    Blender is an example of software that does this well.
    (Pardon me if this has already been requested, or there is a better existing way to do this. I haven't yet found either.)

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  2. Masked object within a masked object?

    Is it possible to put a masked object (with clip) inside another mask? When I do this - the masked object within gets its clipped path released.

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    One can apply a new opacity mask to an object that already has it, if you group this object first — then apply a mask to this container. However, if your object is a single group already, Illustrator won’t allow you to create another group (for obvious reason, to prevent an accidental 'group wrapping'). You can workaround it if you group it with a dummy object and delete it after, or use a free Group Anyway script:
  3. Nommer les images incorporées

    Pour avoir la possibilité de retrouver les images incorporées au besoin.
    Dès que l’image est pixellisée ou recadrée, nous perdons cette précieuse information.

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  4. Relative Links for Co-Working - Cloud Storage - Home Office

    Relative links are absolutely essential for collaborating on common projects in an agency.

    It's so annoying to work together on a project. When my collaborator starts an Illustrator file and I want to work on it, all links are broken, vice versa the same and the cycle never ends. Sometimes I don't even know what folder some linked files are stored in, so it's impossible to continue his work without his help!

    Everyone who works together on bigger projects has this problem, especially in times of home office.

    I figured the Creative Cloud wasn't just meant to be a backup…

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  5. Paste Special Menu

    Organize and expand the paste options: paste without formatting etc...

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  6. command+option+z should *not* be the shortcut to revert the current project

    command+option+z is "step backward" in photoshop, undo basically. Why is it revert file in illustrator?! so many people have lost work because of this simple oversight.

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. Ability to open several documents from Recent section/menu

    The Recent Section we're presented with when we first open Illustrator, we should be able to select multiple files to open, rather than just clicking one, and then having to "cmd O" or use the File Menu "open recent files" please just save me hours of my life.

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  9. Please return the option to export .dxfs in R13/LT95 version

    Please return the option to export .dxfs in R13/LT95 version. This was removed in the 2021 versions of Illustrator and some users need this export option as it is critical in the design and workflow for people who vut and etch with cnc lasers.

    See this forum post please:

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  10. Add Embroidery Digitizing Features

    Please add the ability to do embroidery digitizing within this program; including the ability to export in the most common embroidery file types. If not, a standalone program added to Creative Cloud would be greatly appreciated. This would be especially useful on Macs, because there aren't as many software programs that specialize in digitizing as there are on PC.

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  11. Simple little change: Remove tiny shadow behind new artboard

    I've noticed this for years... whenever I create a new document in Illustrator--no matter the size or mode and without any bleed settings, the artboard has a tiny grey "drop shadow" behind the artboard. See ATTACHED. It does not affect art and never prints, but more times than I can count I've found myself zooming in and attempting to select/delete it, thinking I left some sort of unwanted element behind while I was working. Or I see the faint "border" and think my graphic elements aren't fully aligned to the page edge, when the actually are.

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  12. I would like to be able to set the grid origin when editing a symbol.

    If I open a symbol from the symbols window, the grid position is always offset from the origin of the symbol. It is not currently possible to set the grid origin here. Why doesn't the grid origin set to the registration point of the symbol? At least an option to do this would be great.

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  13. Double clicking a Gradient Fill should open the Gradient Editor

    Double clicking a Gradient Fill should open the Gradient Editor instead of the plain color picker.

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  14. Allow us to convert all points of shape.

    Why does selecting all the points of a shape suddenly mean you can't convert them to smooth or corner? You should be able to convert them--however you wish--with all the points selected.

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  15. Placing via Bridge instead of Windows Explorer

    When I click on File >> Place, I'd like to be able to place directly from Bridge and not from Windows Explorer

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  16. Paragraph creation threshold with text tool

    I'm constantly creating tiny little paragraph containers when I intend to create a single line of text. To prevent this, implement a threshold of mouse movement (or dragging) within which a single line of text can be created. For instance, if I click and accidentally drag across 5 pixels, there should be a reasonable assumption I want a single line of text. There's little chance any of us want to create a 10x10-pixel paragraph container. And if we did, we'd understand that, in order to create a paragraph, we have to create one above the threshold width, then resize it.

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  17. "Multiple Record Layout" data merge feature.

    I love the "Multiple Record Layout" data merge feature in InDesign. However my merged documents are often opened in Illustrator by the end user to make changes. Currently my client wants a full vector file for laser cutting shapes with custom etched names. They do not translate well with strokes becoming their own object and lines of text disconnecting. The idea to data merge 200+ names in IN makes perfect sense, but in this case the client asked they be done in AI and each name and custom info needs to be brought in by hand manually one name at…

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  18. Allow to set a color for a gradient stop using Color Picker

    Picking colors or changing colors in Illustrator has always been a pain compared to Photoshop and I'm not sure why. When I want to choose a color for a gradient or in the color panel in general, why can I not open the color picker and move the slider around on the big square to actively change colors and see the colors change in real time? This frustration often makes me want to switch from using Adobe products.

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  19. Improved Type on a Path

    Type on a Path still is and always has been difficult to align. Trying to find the little cursors that allow you to adjust the end , middle, and begin points to move type around is difficult as they are so small and finicky and even blend in with the bounding box guides of the path. Having a clearer, easier way to move the type on path would be extremely helpful to everyone. I have even heard professionals teaching classes on Skillshare complain about this issue.

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  20. Clipping path in JPEG image file works in placement

    A JPEG file can include clipping path. This clipping path works well when placed in InDesign. However, Illustrator ignores this clipping path.

    If clipping path in JPEG works in placement, the user will be more creative.

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