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4516 results found

  1. Button to convert type to stroke.

    Can you please create one button that converts type to single-line strokes? Then we can edit letters using the width tool, etc.

    Right now it looks like the best option is to rasterize the type, and Image Trace single line. I know your team can make it easier than that because you're wizards.

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  2. Integration des Breitenwerkzeugs

    ich hätte gerne das Breitenwerkzeug, um Pfade individuell jederzeit in der Breite anzupassen

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  3. More Eyedroppers

    Sometimes I would like to just use the eyedropper for fill color instead of having it match everything. It would be cool if you have individual eyedropper tools for fill, stroke, font features, and one for everything.

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  4. Change Illustrator marker code from % to something no one would use, like tilde

    You know... people REALLY USE the "%" symbol when making charts. We'd like to be able to use it when making live marker symbols, but we can't because that is the reserved symbol for markers. NO ONE would use a tilde since it can't be represented as a data point. Please change this and add functionality to add a suffix to numbers when used in a column marker. You REALLY need to bring charts into the 21st century... I feel like I'm still working in 1999.

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  5. 3D page mockup

    I'd love the ability to create an open brochure or magazine, or book mockup using the new overhauled 3d tools, but the tool is currently too limited. Seems to me that what is missing is the ability to bend or warp planes after they have been tilted and rotated. There are other ways of achieving this geometry, but they feel like hacks, and the new place graphic/material capability doesn't recognize the geometry that was partly made with other tools before getting into 3d. Please keep developing the 3D features in illustrator with product mockups in mind, including publication mockups.

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  6. Is there a way to change the state of the page information line when exporting from Illustrator to a PDF?

    Is there a way to change the state of the page information line when exporting from Illustrator to a PDF.
    We need it closer to the bleed box (or right on it) and much further to the left.
    We need it closer to the bleed frame (or right on it) and much further to the left.
    I can't find anything in Illustrator's settings (of course). This will probably be defined in some file. I would like to edit this file with an editor to adapt it to our needs. Or is that perhaps possible via a script?

    The background is…

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. 1 vote

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  9. Artboard Mod

    IDK anything, just learning tried multiple products so far AI is the only one I have accomplished anything in. My current issue may just be just be user error due to the lack of knowledge and experience. So I am designing new dash panels for an antique kenworth truck. The panels are flat with lots of round holes I have the old panels and have been taking measurements from them but I have experienced 2 problems #1 is that AI measures from the edge of the art board. #2 I cant seem use the edge of the art board as…

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  10. STOP to change interface items and options possition ****

    STOP to change interface items and options possition everytime. I need to have my tools everytime in the same place, for the rest of my life, that's effective and productive. is a waste of time and energy to be looking everytime where this morning design team have put some tools and items in the interface. Please think in the proffesional peopple. Do not change possition of the items in the interface.

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  11. CMYK Support for svgs - make use from the device-CMYK attribute

    When opening an .svg File that got several device-cmyk Params set, i would love to choose (e.g. by popup) which colors i would like to use for the svg - the rgb colors set as a fill or the device-cmyk colors. It would make svgs printable

    e.g. <circle fill="#CD853F device-cmyk(0.11, 0.48, 0.83, 0.00)"/>

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  12. Free version with limited features

    Can we please have the option of a free version for life even if that means getting limited features only?

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  13. Allow objects to have the same set of properties of After Effects

    Many animators prefer to rebuild geometrical shapes made on Ai on AE because it allows full access to the properties. But if AI incorporate the same set of properties from AE, it will be solved.

    ok, I know: Overlord does it....

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  14. Paintbrush tool needs default brush setting

    Many folks run into an issue with the paintbrush tool where when trying to use it, we get a prohibited symbol with no explanation. First, I recommend troubleshooting tips for this situation, such as: "choose a brush." Simply having a default brush automatically selected would also help avoid frustration. Thanks!

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  15. sombras paralelas

    Hola! Les escribo ya que no puedo usar la herramienta estilizar de efectos, ya que no me permite usar sombras paralelas. He intentado usar la ayuda de ilustrator y aún así no se aplica a la imagen luego de terminar.

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  16. Character panel in Properties Tab needs just one more row, please!

    The Properties Panel is great. It contains about 98% of every tool I need typically. However, I would be great to have at least ONE MORE ROW of the Character panel visible. Certainly everyone uses Scale when setting type? It's a fundamental necessity. This would prevent having to click MORE OPTIONS every single time just to horizontal scale. Simple but huge. Thank you.

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. Please a "Center to page" in the MENU BAR. And...

    Centering objects to page requires several steps... Many times in design, one needs to center an object to the page. by having that action in menu bar it can be done very quickly and efficiently. It can also be in the RIGHT click drop menu.

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  19. Ability to rotate an image 90 degrees when exported for screens

    Having the ability to rotate an image 90 degrees when exported for screens would save a step when saving some art for the web.

    Some artwork with text is saved built so the type is horizontal for ease of typing/reading. Current exports require the art to be built and then rotated 90 degrees in Photoshop.

    The ability to rotate saves a step.
    It is a small nice improvement for Illustrator.

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  20. Release Monitor mapping for non wacom tablets using Illustrator

    Illustrator does not work with multiple monitors on non-wacom tablet devices.

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