Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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- Why is this valuable to you?
428 results found
Better anti-aliasing
Long time ago I abandoned Xara and moved to Illustrator full-time.
I managed to solve all problems I had encountered with, but several things still bug me.One of them is this: other one is a crude antialiasing.
See attached images.
Zara puts more shades of gray to show the slope of test line, while AI leaves more uniformly filled areas. It gets more noticeable when angle gets sharper.
Changing anti-alising options doesn't help.Please, make anti-aliasing better.
26 votes -
User defined scales for Dimension tool
Repost from general discussions:
I'm delighted to see the addition of the dimensioning tool, but I'm not wild about the fixed choice of scaling ratios. The option to set one's own scales would be great.Failing that, a 1:12 scale seems like a glaring omission for those of us still using inches and feet.
Am I missing something?
Feature request , How-to24 votesIt is possible now to set up a custom scale in Ai Beta
In Dimension Tool Options dialog open the Scale dropdown and choose custom to get the Custom Scale dialog.
It works for decimal scales only, like 1:12 or 1:15, but not for Imperial scales like 1/16"
Please try it and comment back.
SVG Paths with marker endings render only the markers, not the paths
- Import the attached SVG file into Illustrator.
expected result: Illustrator should display a line with an arrow at the end.
actual result: Illustrator displays only the arrow at the end.also attached: image of problem behavior.
removing the marker-end attribute from the path in question will display the line.
23 votes -
Gradient “easing” / bezier curve control for color stops
Any work that utilizes gradients in Illustrator would benefit greatly from the addition of the ability to manually control/adjust the bezier curves of the gradients’ color stops.
The specifics of how this works are discussed here:
Ultimately, this level of control allows for significantly more pleasing and subtle gradients. Relying on midpoints to adjust gradients ultimately results in very obviously visual “steps” from one color stop to the next.
I’ve attached a video demonstrating the easing function, as well as a before and after image to illustrate its effect.
23 votes -
Text editing - missing keyboard shortcuts
Some text editing shortcuts would be very welcome:
Ctrl + End: go to the end of the text
Ctrl + Home: go to the beginning of the text
Ctrl + Delete: delete all characters of a word to right
Ctrl + Backspace: delete all characters of the word to left22 votes -
Cmd + H should hide Illustrator on Mac
Yes, CMD-H should be standardized across all of your programs. And kindly take Freehand out of its vault, study its pen/curve tool(s), and make Illustrator's pen tool work as well as Freehand's did.
22 votes -
Group Overlapping Objects
A very casual and time-consuming operation, especially because we lost Object Lasso ( — drag a marquee around objects, hit Gtrl+G, drag another, group again... repeat dozens of time, especially if you draw icons or something similar for stocks.
What if Illustrator was able to do it for us?
Scan the selection, search for overlapping objects and create groups?What if it could do that in two modes: simple, by intersecting boundaries, and advanced, when true outlines being checked?
What if it could do that with a tolerance also? Like if object are, say, 10 pixels apart, group…
19 votes -
Change line color and fill color of groups in one click
Let say you have multiple groups existing of line segments and filled objects (lines and circles for example). If I want to change the color of the lines and objects of a group, by clicking on a group, that is not possible. Or all line segments get a fill too or all the objects get a line too.
To fix this, I have to go inside the group, select all the objects, change the fill and then select all the line segments and change the line color.
A button to change the color of all line segments and the color…
19 votes -
Keyboard shortcuts for all Pathfinder options (Unite, Divide, Trim, etc)
I work quickly and would like custom shortcuts for all the Pathfinder options.
19 votes -
Cluster / group small increment edits like nudging as one "move" in History to undo
In Photoshop, when a user nudges an object by holding down an arrow key for an interval of time, PS clusters that series of nudges as one "move". Then the user can undo all of the nudges at once with one "Undo move" command in the History panel. Since Illy doesn't have a History panel (and why is there no History panel? Don't like it, don't use it.), it's impossible to undo all of the nudges with one "Undo". Please make Illy treat nudges like PS does.
18 votes -
Global Edit in Isolation mode
Global edit is very powerful but not a fully realized feature.
Many things are missing from it (like this one: one is that the Global Edit button is completely missing when you are in isolation mode. So instead of entering a group and editing similar objects only in this particular group, we are forced to lock similar objects manually (because GE won’t allow to do it), EXIT the isolation mode, start GE and edit found similar-s with everything else NOT isolated (which obstructs editing).
Let me provide a practical example I am working on. I have several…
17 votes -
Return showing thumbnail file previews on Windows in Explorer
Please add thumbnail file previews to Windows as we have with Adobe Reader. It's not fair that Mac users have this and Windows users don't While you're doing that please add them to PSD files as well.
17 votes -
Match Width or Height to Key Object
I would like a quicker way to match an object's width or height to that of another object. Currently I have to select the correctly sized object, copy the W value, select the next object, and paste the W value. This must be done individually for each object. A pain when you have, say, a dozen objects scattered around the artwork but you want them to all be the same size. I think it could work similarly to the "align to key object" tool.
17 votes -
Lock Attributes Independently
I would like to be able to lock some attributes of an object but not others. For example, lock an object in place, but keep ability to change its colors. Or lock proportions and colors, but keep ability to move and scale, etc.
17 votes -
Remember Pathfinder Options across sessions
Currently, the Pathfinder Options are not remembered across Illustrator sessions. This can be tested with the following steps.
- Launch Illustrator.
- Via the Pathfinder panel, use the flyout menu to open Pathfinder Options.
- Set the precision to anything other than 0.028 pt.
- Quit and relaunch Illustrator.
- Reopen the Pathfinder Options. The precision has been set back to 0.028 pt.
It would also be good if the Pathfinder Options were able to be recorded as an action. It seems like a bug that they can not now — recording an action for it appears to work, and there is a Pathfinder Options…
17 votes -
Make it so I can edit an embedded image
Make it so I can edit an embedded image in photoshop and save back to Illustrator like editing an image in Acrobat Pro
17 votes -
Create symbols from Global Edit
Global Edit is great, but it should have a way to make the globally selected items into multiple instances of a symbol. Once you start Global Edit, as long as the individual items qualify as being instances of the same symbol, that option should be made available to you.
16 votes -
Make ImageTrace Like CS5 LiveTrace
ImageTrace may use less points but it completely gets rid of any ink bleed when tracing inked line art. The ink bleed was achievable with CS5 Live Trace but once ImageTrace was introduced it's not possible to achieve with any setting.
Please make ImageTrace great again, it was great as CS5 LiveTrace. Unbeatable. At least make CS5 available through Adobe CC subscription if nothing else.
I know I'm not the only one, please upvote if you feel the same way and miss the accuracy of CS5 LiveTrace.
16 votes -
Tie a child shape to parent shape to keep it aligned to parent when resized
Hi everyone,
I posted this as a question in the Illustrator forum (here's the original thread and was suggested to submit this as a feature request here.
I design boxes in Illustrator for precise cutting in my Silhouette machine. The main problem I encounter with is when I make a box which its shapes are all perfectly aligned, but I then find that I need to tweak its interior size. When I'm doing so I have to re-align all the different pieces of the box shapes such as the spines, wings, etc, since there's no option to tie…
15 votes -
Escape key should deselect any selected object
This would be extremely useful when you are zoomed in and a lot of objects are filled in your screen and there's no empty space around to click if you ever wanna deselect an object. Please map the escape key so that it deselects any selected object.
15 votes
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