Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4570 results found
Handedness is often overlooked. Also, it is scientifically less-understood.
DEAR ADOBE: You are uniquely positioned to study handedness in a way that has potentially never been more insightful. Please invest in tech-development, research, and design to make your tools unique, more efficient, and more useful for left-handed, right handed, ambidextrous, or custom users (either hand preferences, foot pedals, or other). This includes interface, hotkeys, and mental models, interactivity, etc. Potentially, a "righty" could learn from "lefty"mode. And vice-versa. "Everyone/standard" mode is critical. However, why not introduce development towards understanding and helping HUMANITY understand handedness. Also, Some users may not have…
2 votes -
Add Transparency Preset Option on Script
Transparency Preset like [Medium Resolution] and [High Resolution] are able to be setted on Normal Illustrator Dialogue, but it is not able to setted on Scripting.
My company and job is hoping this feature added badly…
Thank you.
4 votes -
Customize Transparency Grid Size and Color...
It would be nice to customize the transparency grid's color and relative size.
11 votesIt is possible to do in Illustrator as well — not in Preferences, but in File > Document Setup dialog (Cmd/Ctrl + Alt +P) — because these settings are local for a document and not global. Same exact controls.
Unembed links when packaging...
When packaging a file, there is no option to un-embed images.
5 votes -
Multi panels for "Layer Panel"
in case of more than 50 layers it difficult to move top layer under button layers. as we need to do scrolling
Ability to open multi panel can enhance that work flow and make easy to move layer under other layers by moving one layer from first panel into second layer panel.
3 votes -
Allow Brush with tool to scale a pattern brush properly.
When I use the width brush on a pattern brush, it scales the brush on all of the path to the widest bit used. I'd like it to scale only in the width direction, where I'm using it.
8 votes -
Add commonly used stroke weights in a document to a dropdown
Sense the stroke weights being used in the document so they can be selected in the drop down menu in Stroke Weights.
So if 0.15 was a common stroke weight it would appear in the drop down menu that now starts at 0.25. It could be cursive or grey to give standout.
E5 votes -
CC Library Colour Applications
Currently I can't find a way to select a library colour from the swatch menus.
You can't use an eyedropper on cc library colours are not available from the swatches panel.
It seems that we have to add the colours as a swatch first.
0 votes -
Support for Microsoft SCUP
We have invested very large in SCCM infrastructure to support Global distribution of client applications. To speed up distribution of Adobe product versions we have analyzed Adobe Update Server solution.
Based on our global environment that would require an enormous investment create a Adobe Update Server at every site location.We would like Adobe to add support for Microsoft SCUM, that would speed up product distribution without very large investment.
1 vote -
composing font for Chinese font
I have checked and verified at my end that this composition is not fully supported in Illustrator yet and only available for Japanese fonts.
I hope that would fully supported in Illustrator available for Chinese fonts.4 votes -
PDF Comment Tool
I like to design website visuals in Illustrator and add PDF comments in Acrobat but doing so means I need to re-add all the comments each time I save a new version of the PDF.
It would be great if there were a commenting tool in Illustrator that would export to PDF comments so I can add notes as I create artwork, rather than going back and doing it after each export.
3 votes -
Allow to move panels between displays all at once easily
When using multiple displays, if I use Illustrator on one screen and move it to the other, my panels like Character, Paragraph, Layers etc. (small windows) don't move with the program to the next display. Even if the program is closed and opened they don't move to the correct screen that the program is now opened at. Please fix this. It's especially frustrating when using Ps, Ai, InD and all of the panels can’t be consolidated for their respected program at the click of a mouse.
5 votes -
Bug in rich tooltips
There is currently a bug in AI on NVidia drivers that hangs the application when a rich tooltip appears. Please, while you investigate (case ADB-1255446-J9V2), give us back an option in preferences to disable all Rich Tooltips in AI., Urgently. I cannot use the product.
2 votes -
A tool to drag and make objects 3D
A tool that would be used to click and drag an object into varying aspects of 3D, rather than guessing and drowning in menus with the normal 3D effects.
1 vote -
Show how many artboards are selected
Since we can have multiple artboards selected and this selection isn't very noticeable (which should be fixed too), why not to show how many artboards are selected?
Just say how many in empty 'Name:' field, since it shows nothing when more is one artboard is selected, in brackets or different color.23 votes -
Global Swatches for Imported Files
When opening Illustrator files saved in other programs (Rhino, AutoCAD, etc), the default swatches never show up (probably because it was made in an outside program). It would be an immense timesaver if we could have those swatches (or even a user defined swatch) automatically populate the swatch panel.
5 votes -
Area Calculation
Having an area calculator would be awesome!
60 votesThe latest Illustrator release - v29.3 now offers Area Calculation using Measure Tool:
- Select the objects in your artwork you want to calculate the area for.
- Select the Measure Tool from the Toolbar.
- The calculated area will be displayed in the Info panel, shown automatically.
- Shift + Click on a segment in the existing selection to remove/add it to area calculation.
- Configure measurement options by accessing the flyout menu of the panel. You can customize units, precision, and scale to suit your requirements.
Please update to v29.3 from your Creative Cloud Desktop application and keep sharing your feedback!
Keyboard shortcuts for Align/Distribute commands and 'Align to' modes
I miss having keyboard shortcuts for align/distribute from my CorelDraw days. I'm a pro designer in a fast turnaround environment, and keyboard shortcuts are essential to my workflow.
As far as I know, the numeric keypad isn't being used in Illustrator. My proposal is: Pressing 0 toggles between absolute to the artboard or relative to last item selected. Pressing 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 will perform the align .2 = bottom, 4 = left, 5 = centre, 6 = right, 8 = top. Additionally 7 = distribute horizontal, 9 = distribute vertical.
Also, please copy the CorelDraw keyboard shortcut Tab…
252 votesThe most recent version finally has the Object > Distribute menu added.
Now both Align and Distribute commands can be accessed via menu and have assigned keyboards shortcuts to them.
The order of the commands though seemingly matches the one the panel has: horizontal first for Align and vertical first for Distribute. If you find this odd and want to change it — vote here:
Also, Align To and Distribute Spacing commands are still missing in top menus, so please keep voting here to make them added too.
Collapse unfolded actions
When actions is played, they got unfolded.
If you have a lot of actions (not in button mode), you'll have to collapse them by hand, each one.So I propose this:
1. Make 'Collapse all' command in palette menu
2. Make option 'Don't unfold actions when played'And why there is no context menu for Actions Palette?
23 votes -
Improve snapping strength
Currently, there is a "snap to point" feature in illustrator. However, I find that it works poorly. Often, I create guides, create geometric shapes on those guides, and move them overlap, join, or intersect to make new shapes. Currently, when I create a shape, I notice the shape will snap to a guide, but when I zoom in all the way, it will not be exact. Also, when I try to move two shapes together, I will experience the snapping effect, but it often is not lined up when I zoom in.
Is it possible to improve the snapping to…
18 votes
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