Illustrator (Desktop) Feature Requests
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4568 results found
Export for Screens .pdf saves all artboards in file
When Export for Screens is used to export pdfs, it saves ALL artboards for every .pdf, creating very large files. This means I have to export the pdf, then reopen the pdf in Illustrator and manually delete the other artboards and other artwork and resave it so that the pdf only contains the artboard that should be in that file.
This is clearly not the intention of the feature.
It would actually be quicker to just copy and paste it into a new file, as it can take a lot of time if you have a large file with multiple…
29 votesAsset export dialog does not have this option to export each file as a separate file it only has option on all artboards in one file, range of artboards or selected artboards in the dialog or the whole of document into one pdf file.
I am moving this request as a new feature request -
Make Object-Path menu a part of Right-Click menu
Or at least a full part of the Properties palette. It would be a much faster workflow when adding/removing anchor points. Most of those menu items are used often enough to warrant an R-Click placement.
2 votes -
Allow graphics from libraries in symbol
The ability of using a graphic from the CC libraries in a symbol would be a good idea.
5 votes -
Ability to precisely control the center of a radial gradient, its hilite angle/length
Add more options to the Gradient tool, especially the radial gradient option. The ability to move the center of the radial gradient would be very useful for cartographers making maps and having the ability to show spheres (3-D circular objects) with a source of light northwest (or any other angle) of the circular object. The attached file should better explain the desired outcome. Your competitors (CorelDraw and Canvas) have had that feature for years, yet Illustrator is more often used for making maps than the other software packages.
3 votesHi Kazimierz,
You can modify the center of the radial gradient. Just choose the Gradient tool (G) with the objects selected (and gradient applied). Drag it across the shape. The start point comes the center of the gradient.
Does that work for you?
Color Picker live preview!
When i choose color with color picker there is no live preview. I have to click OK to view selected color and if I don't like it, have to do all this again. Do it as it is in Photoshop.
162 votesLive preview of color is now live in Illustrator 27.1.1, for Color Picker dialog, Color panel, Properties and Control panel, and Appearance panel.
It works in GPU mode only.
Extended Tools Panel
Less frequently used tools (in my case: Scissors, Paint Bucket) are hard to find in the standard Tools Palette. Wouldn't it be great when Illustrator had a preset to show all tools at a glance (on my 30" screen...)?
I know that it is possible to create custom tools panels - but especially when creating those, it's nice to have a view on all tools at once!
2 votesIn latest version one can click small three dots at the bottom of the Tools panel and see all tools at once, including those which are already in the toolbox.
Reflect Single Characters within the Character Panel
The ability to reflect a single character as live text within the character panel. Similar to the rotate feature already available.
10 votes -
Show image output dimensions before exporting with Export As
Under File > Export > Export for Screens and > Export As, it would be great to be able to know what the output dimensions will be when selecting 150dpi, 300dpi or a custom resolution.
Often I will need to export images from various source to specific JPEG or PNG dimensions. This will save the step of exporting, checking the dimensions of the output file, then adjusting the output resolution or resizing in Photoshop.
4 votes -
16 bit mode for Illustrator
When creating Illustrations with gradients, we can only use 8bits. When imported in Photoshop or After Effects 16bits projects, the gradients stick to this poor 8bits - resulting in banding.
Especially when working on normal/displacement maps for 3d materials, 8bits is not enough.
How great would it be if Illustrator had a possibility to switch to 16 or 32 bit mode!
71 votes -
Start drawing (onPenDown) Event option like Photoshop.
Having an option of drawing with the brush, pencil or blob tool on a (PenDown) Event, like in photoshop. Currently a dot or line, only appears on a penUp or penMove. thus it seems like there is a delay when drawing small shading or detailing lines quickly.
Any delay for artists can be annoying.It would great if Ai had that normal event of traditional drawing on paper. mouseUp and mouseMove is ok for a mouse, but a penDown is needed - i think.
If there is such an option, let me know. I cant seem to find it, or…
2 votes -
Blob brush in touch mode
I work with a Wacom mobilestudiopro and I really like the touch mode but the blob brush is not accessible in this mode. It will be really helpful if you can add this brush. Thanks a lot
8 votes -
"Divide objects below" with a group
"Divide objects below" (what I call "cookie cutting") with multiple objects that are from a group, all at once . If I want to cut a pattern (let's say, giraffe spots) out of a shape located below, I should be able to divide the object without having to do it for each individual spot. If the spots are already grouped together to form a pattern, that pattern should be able to divide all at once.
16 votes -
Illustrator Reader / Viewer program
I would love to see an Illustrator reader like Acrobat has an editor program and a reader program.
The acrobat reader has the ability to edit text and fill in forms. It would be great to have a similar reader program for Illustrator that could edit text in a design so that a customer who doesn't have illustrator could still edit just the text if the designer wants to give them this option. It should have the ability to change text whilst keeping the text design (with shadows, colours, font type etc).
2 votes -
Full stroke style capabilities in touch workspace
The stroke currently only lets you adjust the size of it, you should also be able to control the style of that stroke, whether you want it to be dashed or the shape of it in the touch workspace.
4 votes -
"Effects" in menu when right clicking a selected object similar to InDesign.
In InDesign I can select an object and then right click on a PC and the menu that appears shows shows "effects." Illustrator should do that as well.
1 vote -
Merge text broken up when imported from a PDF
I often have to import PDFs into Illustrator always have words and sentences that are no longer part of the same segment. Example. I just imported 24-inch. Each letter, number, and symbol came in individually. Instead of retyping it so I can make edits, it would be nice if there was an option that merged the text back into one line. Screenshot will show what I mean.
10 votes -
'Expand' generates excess groups, clipping groups, compound paths and other unwanted vector garbage. Keep it simple!
Try expanding a brush or a 3D shape and take a look at the large pile of unwanted groups, compound paths and clipping masks Illustrator has generated for you. It just adds complexity to the file and makes the object appearance tricky to work with. See example ai file attached.
If you have Astute Graphic’s Vector First Aid plugin you can remove all that stuff and see just how simple and usable your vectors can be (I recommend it), Wouldn’t it be better if Illustrator didn’t generate junk in the first place?
Please make sure Illustrator only generates the barest…6 votes -
libCC remain path aspect vs PDF like
When incorporating an object from a library, (but the same behavior occurs if the file is placed) the Object lose all the appeareance and is imported as expanded wth some "clipping path added"
however, the Appearance information is still in the file because if you ask to edit the original all is fine.
Could it be possible to add a preference in the "embed" menu to ask if you embed as "Pdf" or as "AICB" the same dialog you can have in Saving Clipboard Prefs ?
This could be really valuable.
1 voteHi Jean-Michel,
Press the Option key while dropping graphics from CC Library to artboard in Illustrator to bring the ‘original’ AI content. This will directly embed the graphic. Without the Option key it places the graphic, and all AI files get placed as PDF, hence the issues.
Does the Option key work for you?
Yogesh -
Loaded eyedropper just like in InDesign
I wish the eye dropper behaved more like it does in InDesign: If you pick up a type style, you "keep" that style and can apply it to several different text boxes. so if you have a text box with 4 subheads and body copy after each and you want to change all of the subheads to match the first one that you've changed, you could click on the desired style, and then click-drag over each of the subheads carrying the same style to each
18 votes -
Convert to Type On A Path
The option to convert point or area type to 'type on a path' would be helpful. Also to be able to use the pen tool to add points on a 'point type path' and by doing so converting it to 'type on a path'. This removes the need to draw the path then add the type.
12 votes
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