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4568 results found

  1. Right Click In General (notably context menus)

    Illustrator is seriously deficient in its rightclickability. I want to rightclick on a link in the links panel and relink it. I want to rightclick on a swatch and delete it. I want to rightclick on a paragraph style and apply it. Or redefine it.

    In short, bring right-click capabilities up to speed with Photoshop and InDesign.

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  2. Buttons in Pathfinder panel should be disabled when nothing is selected

    If you have nothing selected, Pathfinder still have all buttons active, despite clicking one will give out an error message.
    What’s a point? Why shout? Why not display a shallow message (like the one we get when a live shape gets expanded)?
    Why not disable the buttons in the first place when a selection is empty?

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  3. Illustrator cannot export as targa (TGA) as individual artboards and with transparent backgrounds

    I would love to be able to export individual artboards as targa files with a transparent background.

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  4. Nommage des plans de travail

    Dans le menu Objet/Plan de travail, avoir la possibilité d'ajouter les dimensions du plan de travail sélectionné ou de tous les plans de travail.
    L'ajout se ferait à la fin du nom ou dans des colonnes additionnelles (Largeur et Hauteur) avec la possibilité d'intégrer ces dimensions dans le nom du fichier exporté. Prévoir une syntaxe compatible avec le nomage des fichier et suffisamment différentiante pour pouvoir les mettre à jour par le biais des expression régulières (Suppression puis ajout des dimensions actualisées).

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  5. Paramétrage des traits de coupe

    Avoir la possibilité de régler les traits de coupe sur 3 paramètres :
    - La distance du plan de travail
    - la longueur des traits de coupe
    - la graisse des traits de coupe.
    Aujourd'hui, ils occupent une taille de 2cm soit une augmentation de la largeur et de la longueur de 4cm. Pour de l'impression grand format sur adhésif, cela fin par faire une surface non négligeable.
    Idem pour des impositions sur des documents A4 ou^l'on perd facilement une occurence en largeur et en hauteur.
    Au cas où les traits de coupes seraient normé pour l'imprimerie, il est toujours…

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  6. Please add 'Recent' to the Scripts submenu

    Please add 'Recent' to the Scripts submenu (just like in After Effects) - I use a few scripts over and over.

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  7. Save Default Swatches from Swatches Palette

    This is a struggle ever since. In the latest release, when creating an RGB document, I get tons of CMYK Swatches in the swatches palette. Why?

    Please make it easy to save Default Swatches for each color mode, preferably from within the Swatches Palette.

    Please don't suggest saving a Template, since that does not work due to privilege settings.

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  8. Image trace has been ruined since 27.6.1.

    Bring old image trace back. I cannot use it anymore. Default setting should be same as old, just some general 2 color trace. Default Image trace makes picture pink and very noisy and every preset is just some ugly artsy thing.

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  9. The Image Trace function can no longer pull fine detail. It has been ruined for me with new update.

    I like to halftone images in photoshop and turn them into vectors in illustrator. With the changes made to Illustrator 2023, I can no longer do this, everything is overly blobby and it's just lost any ability to pull fine detail. Everything is oversimplified, and it is unusable for most of the style of work I do.

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  10. Nome dos pincéis sem padronização e mal formatados

    As categorias de pincéis no Illustrator estão nomeadas de forma inconsistente e não padronizadas. Por exemplo, tem categorias ou nomes de pincéis que utilizam o espaço como separador de palavras, outros utilizam o underline para separar as palavras, e tem horas que o nome é escrito com iniciais maiúsculas e horas com iniciais minúsculas. Em resumo, não tem consistência na formatação dos nomes e isso dá uma sensação de desorganização e falta de revisão no software, pois é algo muito simples de corrigir. Enfim, é só uma sugestão para manter mais organizado e padronizado os nomes das categorias e pincéis.…

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    1 comment  ·  Brushes  ·  Admin →
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  11. Ajuster l'origine sur le plan de travail

    A rajouter dans le menu Objet /Plan de travail :
    Ajuster l'origine sur le plan de travail sélectionné

    En choisissant cette commande le repère 0,0 des règles serait automatiquement ajusté en haut à gauche du plan de travail actif.

    A envisager : passer par une fenêtre de dialogue qui affiche les 9 petits carrés que l'on trouve dans transformation et qui permettrait de choisir sur quel angle ou quel centre on veut caler les règles.

    Cette fonctionnalité permettra de définir la position d'éléments ou de repères de façon rapide et précise par la saisie de valeurs numériques.

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  12. Pattern preview

    Please add a feature for illustrator that is a pattern preview, such as in photoshop or affinity designer. Since illustrator is literally for patterns and illustrations, this feature should be in AI

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    2 comments  ·  Repeats  ·  Admin →
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  13. 2 votes

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  14. Line Chart - make it possible to start line on value axis

    I do often need the line to start on the value axis.
    At this moment, I can't do this using the Chart-Tool, effectivly making these type of charts impossible to create without messing up the Chart by manually changing the axis.

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  15. Not able to create new file by pressing ctrl-n Enter

    My daily function to create new file by pressing ctrl-n Enter is not working anymore

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  16. Rotate with arrow keys. Hold R to turn nudge in to rotate.

    I love being able to nudge the selected object with the arrow keys, I want a modifyer key that allows rotation in the same way. example: R key + arrow key rotates. Left and right arrows might be one degree increments. Up/ down could be 15 degree - which quickly gets people to the super common angles 30, 45, 60

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  17. Make the option 'Select and unlock objects on canvas' available for default!!

    I love when this option was available in some version of Illustrator but magically disappear in one update, I thought that you discard this option, but if I wasn't here I never realize that I have to enable manually this option on the Preferences panel.

    I was angry because it was available on InDesign but not in Illustrator, fortunately I research a little and found the response to one request like mine in this section.

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  18. Wrong German translation of item in the Select menu

    Select > Object > Area Type Objects is translated as
    Auswahl > Objekt > Flächentextoptionen
    should be
    Auswahl > Objekt > Flächentextobjekte

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  19. Global Edit does not respect locked objects

    When launching global edit an error messages appears warning that there are more than 1000 objects in the document. There are only 800 objects unlocked.

    Locking objects used to work in order to work around the limit.

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  20. Invite to edit functionality

    On a previous version of Adobe Illustrator, anyone with access to the aic file could invite new members to the document. There has since been an update where only the owner of the file can share the file to new people. Is it possible to implement an 'admin' or 'manger' to each file. Therefore the owner of the document can provide admin rights to other colloborates of the document. Anyone with admin access could then share the aic file.

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