Illustrator Saving Error with 2 art boards
We were building a Billoard with extension. Art saved fine with only one artboard. We created a second artboard for the extension, then saved the file , Illustrator error states: the Dimensions of this page are out of range. Total size of both art boards 16.4611 in High x 49.9167 w. Got to have this fixed new Illustrator was updated yesterday.

Ed Foster commented
Is there a smallest size that Illustrator allows for artboards or is this just anomaly? Please, someone, let me know.
Ed commented
Was able to save artboard 1 with no effort. Tried to save artboard 2 and received out of range error. We are saving as a production PDF. Size of second artboard is .02x.02 with .9167 bleed all four sides. Artboard 1 is 14x48 with .9167 bleed all 4 sides.