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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:

  1. Details of your operating system
  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
  3. The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
  4. Your expected result and the actual result
  5. Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)

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69 results found

  1. 52 votes
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    We have the fix available in the latest release. Please update Illustrator using Adobe Creative Cloud application to the latest build for version Illustrator CC 23.0.
    Please refer to our knowledge base FAQ if you face difficulty in update.
    Or get in touch with us at any of the other support channels –

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  2. Can't Print Illustration

    Illustrator refuses to print even small 8.5 x 11 files to our desktop printer. This is an essential part of this program and severely impacts my ability to design and create production files when I cannot print out a simple proof without exporting it to a PDF before Printing.

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    We worked with Microsoft on the issue. here is the update. Thank you few of you who helped us in isolating this issue. If your issue still does not get resolved with the updates as below please reach out to us on

    Summary of Issue:


    • Uninstall and reinstall the HP print drivers. Download the latest driver from HP website or contact your system administrator.

    Microsoft Support Ticket No.: 119070821001723
    Adobe Internal Tracking ID: AI-4215933

    Warm Regards,
    Ashutosh Chaturvedi | Sr. Quality Engineering Manager – Illustrator
    Adobe. Make It an Experience.

  3. Media size setting of print dialog returns to default settings on changing color via swatches (or apply arrowhead via strokes)

    Any operating system (happens on both Windows and Mac)
    Illustrator Version 22.x or 21.x

    Change "media size" in print setting from "Defined by Driver" to any paper.
    Finish the print dialog ("Done" click).
    Select from the color book with Swatches panel, or set the arrow with the Stroke panel.
    When returning to the print setting again, the media size returns to "Defined by Driver".

    Does not occur before Version 20 (CC 2015.5).

    Possibility to occur when using settings that refer to another Illustrator file.

    Problems reported in the Japan Forum.

    13 votes
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    I am happy to share that we have fixed this bug in our latest release – 23.0.6 which is available worldwide now.

    Going forward, our goal is to fix as many top User-Voice bugs as possible and as frequently as possible. Given the nature of the fixes, some of the bugs will take a longer time to fix, but we are on it.

    You can update to the latest release using Creative Cloud desktop App:

    Thank you for all the feedback. Keep it coming!

  4. Lines under 1pt render thick in PDF

    In Illustrator, lines thinner than 1pt end up rendering a mess (thick, out of alignment) when viewed in PDF. This is fixed in the viewer by un-checking "Enhance Thin Lines", but it is unreasonable to ask every client of a designer to update that setting. Furthermore it's impossible to un-check this setting, for example on the Vistaprint website where the PDF preview of an AI file is used as the product proof.

    Please fix this. There have been a million excuses on why this is not a bug but a feature, but we NEED the ability to disable it from…

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  5. CC 2018 Multiply Blend Mode Incorrect

    CC 2018 & Mac Sierra

    If you apply multiply blend mode to a path, group that and apply multiply again at the group level, you now get 2x multiply. This is wrong whether you look at this from a process ink or spot color printing.

    Omg the uploaded example, I am expecting both left and right sides to be identical to each other, as in versions prior to CC2018.

    We often get files from designers who will try to make a color look good on screen, and printing off a color laser printer. You could for example draw 2 overlapping…

    8 votes
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    We could reproduce this issue at our end, following are the findings

    1. This issue is reproducible in CPU, GPU Rendering and Print Preview(thumbnail).
    2. Reproducible in older versions as well including Illustrator CS6 (not a new break in CC 2018)
    3. Works fine in Overprint Preview
    4. Works fine in Print & PDF

    Please confirm above observation match with the problem reported in this issue

  6. Pantone colors are printing blank when printing from Illustrator using Photoshop DSC.EPS

    While trying to print artwork with spot colors from Adobe Illustrator the color in the 2nd channel will always print blank regardless of what print device or setting that is used. I have included the DSC EPS files as well as the AI files and the subsequent print of the file as a pdf. Whichever pantone color is placed in location 2 of the channels in Photoshop will print blank. This is a bug that has popped up since Pantone pulled it's colors from Adobe and the Pantone colors automatically are changed to black.

    Please refer to this post for…

    7 votes
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  7. Custom paper size in print dialog box is grayed out

    I am using Windows 10 with Adobe Illustrator CC 22.1 64 bit. I need to print on 11.5 x 11 paper. I can't choose Custom or enter in paper dimensions. Those options are grayed out.

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  8. Tile printing cuts image off.

    I have attempted to tile print an image from Illustrator at least 6 times. No matter what settings, it cuts off about 1/8-1/4" of the image. I have been tile printing for decades and now the feature doesn't work correctly. Please inquire. I'm extremely frustrated.

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  9. Unchecking "print as bitmap" does not work

    Basic shape artwork is printing jagged/pixelated edges. Unchecking "print as bitmap" does nothing, as the print summary still shows print as bitmap as "on". Tried setting print to 2400dpi, but lines still jagged.

    Save as PDF and print with Acrobat results in beautiful smooth lines

    Illustrator 25.0.1 on Mac OS 10.14.6

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  10. Print Area doesn't adjust according to Print Driver

    Once you print and click on setup, then proceed to set your printer up for custom sizes the print area in the print dialog box doesn't change. In order to get it to match the artboard and what you have inputted into the printers driver, you have to click on setup again and print. This adjusts the print area but this extra step is a bug.

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  11. Printing problems with latest Illustrator

    The latest version of Illustrator CC 22.1 will no longer print our label artwork. We are a commercial winery and have no previous issues printing these files. We are running Windows 10 64 version 1803 6/9/2018 OS build 17134.165.

    As a work around, we tried printing these files from Acrobat DC which is included in our creative cloud package. The files print fine.

    We are seeing a lot of people complaining that it is the Myriad Pro font but as I stated we can print the files from Acrobat DC but just not Illustrator.

    4 votes
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  12. Can't Print the Illustration. Color management settings are inconsistent.

    Sometimes Illustrator displays this message. And when we close and open the message, the print can be carried out. Please let me know how to fix this.

    OS: Windows 10 Pro
    Adobe Illustrator Version: 26.0.3

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  13. Artifact lines appear in Illustrator on images with softmasks when Mac OS GPU setting ON (will render on Rip output if downsampled)

    To Reproduce:
    On Mac OS 12 open the .AI file from the attachment ( in Adobe Illustrator
    Ignore the font warnings, but link the images (ignore links for any images not included in zip file)
    See the screenshot (artifact.jpg), notice the artifact lines around many of the images
    Now save this AI file as a PDF using the Adobe PDF Preset "Illustrator Default"
    Open this PDF in Acrobat and ensure "Smooth Images" in Preferences is enabled
    Notice the artifact
    Now using Acrobats option "Save AS Opimtized" (and this is the most important part) downsample the images to 300 dpi in…

    3 votes
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  14. New update on Illustrator 24.0.01 will not allow Print

    AI 24.0.01 (64-bit) will not allow me to print to my network printer. Error window box generates with a Red Triangle with an exclamation mark, and message reads "Can't print the illustration."

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  15. Jaggy / Pixelated prints from Illustrator

    Illustrator only produces pixelated / jaggy print-outs. This issue persists at least since 2008. I suspect a printing engine that is made for PostScript printers. I only use normal printers (laser and ink jet, large and small).

    ALL other apps print fine on these machines / systems / printers. The same vector document printed from Ai is jaggy - printed from other apps looks fine. -See attachment:

    2 votes
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  16. Overprint bug. Overprint check stays on

    Overprint check stays on, even when overprinting object is deselected. This causes confusion when printing.

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  17. New update (v24.3) printer errors

    After the latest Illustrator update (v24.3), it keeps giving me printing error messages. My printer drivers and etc are up-to-date. This is the first time this has happened in many years, I don't even remember the last time I had printer errors via Illustrator. I've used Ai for over 20 years of my professional design and illustration career, several of the Ai CC 2020 updates have been nothing but a royal pain-in-the-a$$ overloaded with glitches, bugs, and crashes. I've never been so frustrated with this beloved drawing program. Adobe, please get Adobe apps to work properly like it once was.…

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  18. Overprint is not maintained after making PDF - separation files are not correct

    When using spot colors to overprint, the PDF files show knockouts in Acrobat. For example, when overprinting a 10% black square over a Pantone square, the result is a knockout, even though the attributes are set to overprint.

    When correcting for this I tried the Transparency feature to make a 10% gray, but the result is an overprint with a screen for each plate where the overprint should occur. (see attached image) The only correct plates were produced by printing a postscript file and using distiller to create the plates. This did not happen is previous versions.

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  19. Problems with Illustrator crashing when printing ink separations as a PDF

    I'm having problems with Illustrator crashing when printing ink separations as a PDF. I didn't have the issue before, but now I am. Thankfully I'm able to print my separations to the RIP just fine, so work can progress. However when I try to print separations as a PDF to look them over before sending to the rip, the program freezes and eventually crashes. Does anyone know why this happens and how it can be resolved?

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  20. Rasterize - Preserve Spot Color Bug

    When rastering complex designs for print output, the default is "preserve spot color". I rasterize images and print a pdf file for use in rip software. If I leave "preserve spot color" selected I get a pdf file that is blank, if I turn it off and rasterize, I get the correct PDF file. This is new, as I have been doing this for many years now with no issues. I do believe in the past that check box has been left unchecked by default, but remains sticky.

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