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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

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  1. Details of your operating system
  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
  3. The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
  4. Your expected result and the actual result
  5. Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)

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24 results found

  1. Groups inside compound paths lead to problems

    Today I'm going to bring you awareness to the way Illustrator treats groups in compounds.

    For me it sounds strange already — why would I want a group inside of a compound path?
    What would I use it for?
    Ai won’t allow me to go isolate this group to edit its components.
    Ai would not show it in the Layers tree — for some reason we can’t expand a compound path to see its children, like we can do with the groups.
    Ai won’t give scripts a way to see these groups inside of compound paths — and this leads…

    31 votes
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  2. Live shapes loose their controls in Transform panel once they become a part of a compound shape

    If I have a Rectangle shape and then subtract it from another path with Alt held (to make a live compound shape), I loose ability to change the width and height and rotation of this rectangle.
    That is if I select it with the Direct/Group Selection tool — Transform panel does not show Rectangle Properties section, and Properties panel does not show anything from Transform at all — it has a no selection set of buttons.

    This is crucial because the rectangle I subtract is rotated, and simply editing width and height distorts it.
    Isolation mode does not help.


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  3. V26.5.1 Path re-open after using pathfinder tool


    The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues:
    1. pen tool to do a open path
    2. close the path using "add to shapes" in pathfinder
    3 use pen tool to start a new point, the previous closed shape will reopen and join the new point

    Your expected result :
    using pen tool to start a new point should give a single point, not joining the previous closed shape
    the closed shape should remain closed

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  4. Inaccuracies with Pathfinder and Shape Builder tools

    I'm using v24.3, the most recent Illustrator version. When zooming in on a shape, the selection outline does not appear to correspond to the actual fill area of the shape. When doing any cutting or merging with the pathfinder or shape builder tool, this discrepancy starts to create inaccurate results, as the tools seem to favor the selection outline as a guide when cutting.
    As an example, I have a circular background. I want to "mask" a square onto it, so one of the corners of the square is outside of the circle. This corner I intend to cut off…

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  5. Unite on Pathfinder leaves mess of little vectors

    This is something that happens to me frequently when creating underbases for screen printing. I'll make a copy of my top colors and unite them to create my base, and there's a mess of little vectors left behind that have to be cleaned up before I can trap the base. There's no gaps in the art so these vectors should not be there and this is a big lag on my production time.

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    As per the comment, you can adjust the Pathfinder precision in Pathfinder Options dialog, accessible from the Pathfinder’s panel flyout menu. The higher the value, the less accurate the result is going to be. Lesser values gives more precision, but it can lead to many 'residuals'. The default value is 0.028 pt, but you might try something like 0.01 pt and see if it works better.

  6. Pathfinder Trim with Gradients does Divide instead

    Version: Any

    Steps taken: Make a file with a gradient fill on top of an object with a solid fill. Apply Pathfinder Trim.

    Expected result: Object underneath gradient object is removed while gradient object stays as one solid object.

    Actual result: Gradient object is cut and solid object remains underneath.


    Further comments: When using pathfinder in Illustrator to trim objects that contain a gradient the objects underneath do not get removed as they should and instead appear to be divided. This seems to be an issue with how Illustrator makes gradient as if overprint fill was applied to…

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  7. magically appearing anchor points

    When I join paths, use the pathfinder tools, or shapebuilder options, anchors that I DID NOT create, appear. There is no rhyme or reason to when it will decide to do it. So annoying. Over time this degrades the image when enlarging, shrinking, offsetting paths and a number of other features I don't want to waste my time listing. I don't care what you say about vectors and your program, I've been doing this a long time, it happens. I personally deal with vinyl plotters. Plotters don't like unnecessary or extra anchor points. It can slow down the cut process…

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  8. パスファインダーの分割をするとズレが起きる

    Adobe Illustrator 2021、2022、2022(Prerelease)


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  9. Inconsistent undo behavior when making a compound shape with a clipping mask

    I understand this may not be as common a use-case, but while trying to figure something out, I was puzzled when undo did not return to the state I was expecting. Below are the steps to reproduce this issue:

    Create a shape, such as a rectangle. Give it a color.
    Create a different shape and place it somewhere overlapping the first shape. Give it a different color.
    Select both shapes and create a Clipping Mask by right-clicking and selecting "Make Clipping Mask"
    You should now see only the overlapping parts of both shapes, as expected.
    Open the Pathfinder panel and…

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  10. Merge button in Pathfinder panel works incorrectly

    Merge button in Pathfinder now works the same as Trim. It cuts out invisible parts of objects but leaves them separated. Merge should unite shapes with same color. This is one of most used operations when creating logos and it is now broken. Sad.

    Merge effect however works correctly, so current workaround is to group objects together, apply Effect > Pathfinder > Merge, then use Object > Expand Appearance.

    Steps to reproduce:
    Create two red and one blue rectangle. All without stroke.
    Position them so they slightly overlap each other.
    Open Pathfinder panel, click Merge (3rd icon at the bottom…

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  11. Illustrator CC 2019 v23.0 Divide tool not working

    I'm running on a iMac Pro (2017) Mojave OS 10.14 and using Illustrator CC 2019 v23.0. I've tried using the divide tool via the Pathfinder panel as well as the new Properties Panel and neither will work. Typically it would divide the two patterns top and bottom and now it just leaves the patterns as is without dividing. I also have used the guides to divide a pattern and that is not working either.

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  12. Pathfinder & Shape Builder: glitch when joining curvy shapes

    I'm trying to join two round shapes and I'm always getting unexpected shape glitches in the result path. I tried making this new shape using pathfinder and shape builder, but the results are the same.

    Sending before/after screenshots attached in outline view.

    Version 28.1 (2024)

    Please help!

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    This is regulated by the size of the art processes and the precision value (measured in absolute values) one can edit in Pathfinder Options.

    Although vector paths stay continuous no matter how deep you zoom in, they are still stored on a canvas with rather finite coordinates, and all calculations are still very finite.

  13. 2 votes
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  14. Pathfinder Divide produces imprecise result on curved elements

    Mac OS 11.6
    Illustrator 25.4.1

    I know this is not a new complaint, but it has not been addressed. When I used the Pathfinder Divide tool to divide an element with curves, the resulting shapes are not precise. This renders the tool useless for many operations where users need those lines to sit exactly on top of one another. See image for example.

    There are many users, including me, who are begging Adobe to stop adding features we would rarely/never use and please, for the love of all that is holy, concentrate on fixing the basic tools we use every…

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  15. Color cannot be changed in compound paths and/or is not displayed correct

    In compound paths, the color cannot be changed directly via color fields or the pipette. The set color and color codes are displayed correctly under “Appearance”, however, nothing changes on the drawing area and the compound paths retain the fill color and outline color with which they were created.

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  16. MacOS 13.6.6, Illustrator 28.4.1 Substrahieren (Pathfinder) funktioniert teilweise nicht

    MacOS 13.6.6, Illustrator 28.4.1 Substrahieren (Pathfinder) funktioniert teilweise nicht

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  17. AI CC V 28.1 Windows 10 Extrusion (3D and materials) no more working for some objects

    I am no more able to complete the extrusion of a disc object for which I previously removed parts of it using the pathfinder substraction tool. Substraction is working well, but extrusion is not. Once started, the extrusion process does not complete. I had to revert to Illustrator 28.0 to make it work.

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  18. Shape expanded automatically bug

    This is a bug I am experiencing. As soon as make a change on a shape it gets expanded automatically and this is not reversible if a pathfinder mode has been used (minus front for example). I am getting a small grey notification saying "shape expanded". I have not found a way to turn this off but it makes Illustrator un-usable for my purposes. I am attaching a screenshot of the notification that appeared as soon as moved one of the rectangle anchor points. Please help me as this is a business show-stopper for me. :(
    Also when using direct…

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  19. Whole compound path gets affected when rounding a corner

    I have added a few shapes and then wanted to round only 2 anchor points, but as you can see here, other points are affected, even though they are NOT selected

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  20. Divide tool Not removing underlying color

    A red box on top partially overlapping a yellow box. With both objects selected the Divide tool is used from the pathfinder. Where the two graphics intersect it leaves two layers of objects. The red on top and yellow underneath. Previous versions yellow would not be there. I have never seen this in the 20 years I have been working in Illustrator. Divide is powerful tool we used for both silkscreen and digital printing. Would appreciate a fix so it functions properly again.

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