Split to grid on multiple artboards
Tdlr: horisontal guides made with "split to grid" go onto the first artboard, when they shouldn't.
I use split to grid to make myself a grid to work on and it works fine on a single artboard. But if i try to make split to grid on any other artboard than the first one, it sends the horisontal guides to the first artboard and keeps the vertical ones on the correct one. The lines stay grouped and can be moved, but it takes extra time and effort.
This happended on different machines.
Writing this on a phone, but I can make a screenshot if asked for.
Can’t reproduce in the latest version.
The description is no exactly clear, so it’d be nice to get a video of the behavior, along with the exact steps: what configuration of artboards do you have, what and how do you split exactly, what do you do next to make guides.
Shashank Rajesh commented
Why the **** isn't this fixed yet? Adobe takes away all our money and doesn't even bother listening to their customers.