Surface pro (2017) pen pressure problem
Hello everyone!
I don't Know if this is a bug, a missing driver or miscalibration, but I have a problem with the surface pro (2017) and the Adobe Illustrator paintbrush tool not working well together. I have the newest model of the surface pen, but the lines I draw with the paintbrush tool are not able to taper to a sharp edge even if I start with really low pressure and lift the pen carefully at the end. It always leaves this rounded edge.
This video demonstrates my problem:
I have also attached two screenshots: first being a screenshot of the lines i drew on my surface pro (2017) and the pen; and the second being a screenshot of the lines I did on my desktop computer using a Wacom Intuos pro. these were drawn with the same exact brush and using the same hand movement, however you can clearly see that the Surface Pro is not able to produce as thin lines.
I have tried to change the pen pressure curves to combat this but it doesn't help. What it feels like is that when you press very lightly with the pen, the line jumps straight to this medium thickness instead of being really thin at first. Also the line keeps the same thickness until I exceed a certain pressure threshold. The line starts drawing pretty much when I feel like it should, it just jumps straight to thicker line and stays that way for a bit even if i change the pressure slightly. This can be most clearly seen in the middle lines of the screenshots I attached: the first one (Surface Pro) has no variation in the line weights of the lines it produced from my very light, barely-touching-the-tablet type of line, but the second (Intuos Pro) was able to pick up on the line weight variation on those lines.
I have installed the newest firmware and driver update already from:
I should also mention that with Photoshop I am able to produce very thin lines, so the pressure sensitivity works well in there.
I would be really grateful if a solution could be found to this problem! Inking with vector lines was something I was looking forward to when buying this device, but now I feel like I am handicapped when using Illustrator on my Surface Pro.

Filip commented
Same issue. This is awful and I think that it's a major bug - Everybody who uses Illustrator on Surface experiences it and it's just awful. Adobe, please look into this!
xchex commented
Same issue on Surface Book 2 w/ Illustrator 2019. So frustrating! Any solution?