Illustrator and Adobe apps are slow on retina display
Hi All!
I have an issue with Illustrator (23.0.2) on my brand new 15" retina Macbook Pro 2018 (latest edition 2,6GHz i7, 16GB ram, RadeonPro 560X).
I've seen lot of similar issues here, but I would like to say about an interesting thing.
If I moving around in a document or zoom in/out (simple or complex), it works really slow. If I switch to GPU preview, it's much better, but in CPU preview it's horrible and unusable.
Bigger problem is that on my previous 13" MacbookPro (2012 mid, 2,9Ghz i7) without dedicated graphics card everything works fine (in CPU and GPU preview as well). Both laptop has the latest Mojave and Illustrator version.
And the best: if I connect an external display (fullHD) to my new macbook pro, the Illustrator works much better on that screen. But if I move the Illustrator window back to the laptop screen, the issue is coming back again.
The macbook pro not able to handle the Adobe apps on retina display well? Because I experienced similar problems in Premiere Pro when I'm working on the timeline.
I bought a very expensive laptop for work, I have full Adobe subscription and I don't understand why I'm here or any other forums?
I sent an email about these to, but I haven't got answer yet.