Error: "Unable to export at this resolution" for jpeg at 300ppi
For larger artboards (6500 square), I'm trying to export them at 300ppi jpegs for print (as requested by the printer). Every time I try to export at 300ppi, I get the message "unable to export at this resolution, please lower the resolution and try again."
I've been informed of the Photoshop workaround, but we should be able to save vector files especially out as high res jpeg's straight from Illustrator!

Thrifty Dee commented
Having the same issue and it’s preventing me from being able to export files for POD sites for holiday orders! Please help, this has been happening for months.
Lahiru Chamara commented
First u save that file in PDF format, then you reopen that pdf in illustrator and save in png format.
Nigel Webb commented
I too am suddenly unable to save A4 artwork as a 300 dpi Jpeg. This is what I do for a living for publishers and it's not funny!!!