Eye dropper not applying proper color/hex from Adobe Color Themes panel
I'm using the latest Illustrator v23.03. When selecting colors from the Adobe Color Themes panel, it does not copy the correct color hex to the selected item in my document. In the attached file, which I've scaled up for easier viewing, the square tiles represent the proper color within the Adobe Color Themes panel, with each overlaying the incorrect color Illustrator is copying over when selected. As you can see, there is a major discrepancy. This does not happen with all themes...some copy over perfectly, but many (in my case) do not. I've tried adjusting color profiles to see if it would resolve issues with those that do not copy accurately, but the problem persists. For reference, the theme these colors are pulled from is called "Limekiln", https://color.adobe.com/Limekiln-color-theme-1580769