Command-Option buttons not working. Can't duplicate or get to selection tool by hitting Command when I am using another tool
When I am using a tool and want to get to the Selection tool without releasing the other tool I am working with (like if I am typing and want to move the text I can just hit Command and the cursor changes to Selection tool and I can move it and when released automatically becomes the text tool again, use this for many different tools).
When I hold Command and Option down it would duplicate but it is not duplicating.

Desiree Daniels commented
I deleted the old preferences as suggested in another post. It didn't fix the problem. I can't Zoom out with option or move one pen point without it changing both lines it is attached to. It is making work incredibly difficult.
Michelle commented
AND zoom isn't working through shortcut keys, spacebar/command/option
Michelle commented
ALSO - shift is not working when I am resizing to keep proportions