library colors covert process colors to spot when bringing them into a new document
OS/AI versions: 2013 Mac Pro w Mojave. Illustrator CC 23.0.4
Creating process colors in Illustrator, adding them to a library, then using them in another document converts the colors to spot.
To reproduce this bug:
Open a new document in illustrator.
Define a process color and save it to a Library.
Open a new document.
Create a box.
Fill the box with the Library color.
Expected: The box should be filled with a process color.
Result: The box is filled with a spot color.

Todd commented
I created 2 colors, and when I use them in Illustrator, on is spot, and one is a cmyk build.
There is no where to define this in the CC Library color, so where does it pick this up from ? -
Jan MacGregor commented
This was originally reported back in 2017. Any progress?? (Workaround - remove global option before saving a swatch to the library.)