An unknown error has occured
Windows 10, Enterprise
I was working on a file, and have been saving file regularly in between. But on one artboard when am placing an object, i am not able to save the file. Error pops up. I tried to snip the object and placed it as image still error is popping.
I tried locking and unlocking layers, no use.
And if i remove tat from art board, i am able to save. What sort of error is that, am not understanding.
This is like the file has reached a limit, if we add one more object or image or anything, it wont let me save and error pops up.
Please help sort this out. I guess am not the only one facing this issue.

noam commented
when trying to save an illustrator file with 3 artboards the "unknown error has occured".
how to reproduce: open a new file, add 3 artboards, click save..
when less than 3 or more than 3 artboards you can save no 10
illustrator 24.3 english תומך עברית (supporting hebrew) versioncouldn't upload a video so i am linking to it:
edit: i couldnt get the menus to show in the recording but you can see when saving 3 artboards the asterix (*) doesnt disapear from file name, as in the file not saving and my mouse is moving to click ok on the "unknown error has occured" window which is invisible in the recording somehow.