In Adobe Illustrator Constrain Width and Height proportions doesnt work
I don't know why but 'Constrain Width and Height proportions doesn't work
in 'Transform' or 'Properties' panel
Whenever I constrain and move the number up, it creates a weird number
for example, if the shape is 60,60 and when I write down 70 on the height the width becomes 69.256 something like this
so frustrating!!!!!!!!!

Sarah Madigan commented
still not fixed. i am getting things that are off more than a 0.25 inch which is crazy. such a frustrating bug when trying to use this program in the printing industry.
Lisa commented
No, this was NOT fixed. It's 2021 - still happening.
Gareth commented
Definately a +1 from me.
I try to turn off constrain and then change one dimension but the other changes slightly with it. So annoying!
Derek S. commented
+1 to this. This issue that was claimed to be fixed: