CC 2020 AI and InDesign Crashing and Freezing
Having major issues with both Illustrator and InDesign 2020.
For Illustrator, if I double click an AI file in a finder window it crashes 100% of the time on launch, which in turn deletes all recent docs from AI's start up menu. Things are a bit more stable when launching the app and then opening a file, but still seems to easily crash when doing a simple task such as electing the font dropdown menu (not even selecting a font).
InDesign is more troublesome. The program will frequently freeze even after opening a document that has a link that has been updated. These instances are in no way in regard to file size or complexity, but with simply a blank spread with a simple AI page file linked.
I use both of these programs HUGELY in my business, and this is becoming very frustrating. I am using a MacBook Pro 2019, with Catalina 10.15.1 OS. The machine is about as suped up as it can be, so there is no reason I can find to have these issues. I routinely maintenance, repair permissions, and clear caches as well.
Please help!

Felipe commented
I'm having troubles with Illustrator (last version) on my new macbook pro 16" 32GB MacOS Catalina (10.15.4).
The application crashes when I leave the app open after a long time or when I close de mac and after a while opened again.