automatic quitting when clicking the red close button
When clicking on the RED "Close" button, Illustrator prompts me to either (Save what's on the clipboard" or "Discard". Then automatically quits. EVERY SINGLE TIME. This is NOT right no matter what your tech support peons were told to say.

John commented
I agree 100% Paula.
Try going to Illustrator Preferences> File Handling & Clipboard> and make sure the "Save in Background" option is UNCHECKED.
Paula S commented
I am having this problem as well. Very frustrating. It's been a known problem for months already. As one of the biggest companies in the world Adobe should be able to do better.
John commented
Athena / Stan
You are both absolutely right, and I feel your pain.
It is so disappointing what has happened to Adobe.
A coworker is working in Affinity. I may have to give it go and see how the outside world works with it and it's files.
And Adobe's left hand doesn't know what it's right had is doing. FUBAR!
stan commented
too many versions. too many bugs. too little fixes. when you're basically the only game in town, you don't have to try very hard. it's really a shame things have gone down hill this far.
John commented
Just got off the phone with Adobe (in India) Senior Support Team. He was well aware of the issue and said they are working on it and it should be resolved with the next update. In the mean time, go to Preferences > File Handling & Clipboard and UN-CLICK/DESELECT "Save in Background". Did the trick.
Athena Thomas commented
I know, right? when I tried to report this, over and they kept saying it was other things and trying to make it more complicated than it was. I kept trying to explain it in simple dumbed down terms and FINALLY I got someone to "listen" and they were all like, oh, yeah, Illustrator quits when you hit the red X, guess this is a ligit problem. DUH!!!!