Fix NO handles on shapes
Shapes created with shape tools do NOT have corner rotate options available anymore.
I'm really starting to look into Corel Draw or really any other program just so I don't loose more work DAYS trying to figure out the latest friggin bug release - not seeing a lot of improvements just bugs.
How about you just leave things alone for a while and focus on quality and reliability.
That'd be nice.
Adobe is making itself pointless and overly expensive with lost productivity.

Nicolas Romer commented
Rotating Arrow issue started in 1st version of AI 2020. AI 2019 works perfectly.
Chris Horton commented
Just wanted to add that even with the new update, I still don't have rotate arrows.
Chris Horton commented
I have this same issue. The shape will rotate if you are in the area where the rotate arrow would be, but no arrow. You end up scaling the shape by accident.