Text in connected Area Type Text boxes becomes very unstable when scaling
MacOs Mojave 10.14.6
What did:
Made area type square object
Copied it 13 times, connected it
put this structure under mask (tried also to put every object under it's own mask- same result).
added shape objects
Scaled everything - everything fine.
selected all the text in the structure and write new one with the same font/
Scaled it
Usually if you select this structure of connected area type boxes in company with some shape or object and scale all this, size of text in this boxes changes accordingly.
Result differs every time. Sometimes it's fine, sometimes all the letters have different size, sometimes they all have size 0,1 pt.
If you scale bit by bit sometimes it helps to change it to the size you need without issues, and if change in 1 step - everything goes wild.
If you select everything and change directly the height, letters size becomes 0,1 pt. (every time after you connected first two text boxes)

Vitaliy commented
1. Illustrator CC2020 24.0.3