Illustrator 125% Scaling is missing... (UI is too big, or too small)
i have a 16.5 inches laptop with latest version of windows 10, and 1920*1080 full HD display.
the normal, and default UI scale of Windows 10 is 125% on my screen, that looks very great and standard.
in illustrator 2020, i have a big problem in UI scaling. there is just two options:
scale to lower supported scale factor, and scale to higher supported scale factor.... that first one makes UI scale to 100% and i can't read anything, and second one makes it on 150% scale that is very very big.
there is not same problem in photoshop and other adobe apps, just problem exist in illustrator. so i can't work in a normal/standard interface at all... hope adobe make that fixed ASAP...
Thanks a lot...

Christopher commented