Illustrator (24.3) Slow lagging, AI and EPS files issues, non responsive
macOS Mojave (10.14.6)
Working on large scale signage graphics - have completing almost exactly the same thing for previous jobs with no issue. 24AUG20 AI auto updated and instantly could not move graphics in file - constant spinning wheel and slow loading times.
Saving file was extremely slow - ceasing to save from 80-90% and then crashing (crash report sent). The only way to continue working was to save as EPS.
Also attempted saving graphic elements out as EPS files to place into INDD where EPS was pixilated (fully or partially). PDF exported from INDD unable to save correctly with pixilation as well as slow response in InDesign.
Graphics elements only 1mb each - also attempted simplifying vector to create smaller file for graphic elements and therefore better performance - this helped but still not the result required.
Cannot preview in finder like usual.
Colleague tried the same processes with same results.