Lost extra Pantone Colours after Illustrator 2021 update
I have registered a Pantone booklet and downloaded the PANTONE colour manager to gain the extra missing Pantone swatch colours. This was working fine but after the 2021 update I have lost them.
I have tried going back into the Pantone Colour Manager and re-updating the newest colour books I want (PANTONE Solid Coated-V4 and PANTONE+ Solid Coated-336). But the Applications to apply them to as options are only InDesign and Photoshop. If I click the + button below to Add Illustrator to the list, it says I have to click the Browse button and locate the Illustator.exe file. I do this but it then shows the link is invalid. Please see attachments showing exactly what I'm doing.
I am using Illustrator 2021 (v.25.0) on a PC