Cannot Export Print Quality PNG from Illustrator 2021 Mac OS Catalina
Every time I try to export my large print quality files from Illustrator as .png, I get an error message. The Operation Cannot Complete Because of an Unknown Error [!now] I am trying to maintain the 300dpi quality because this is how my printer accepts files. (As .png.) My Illustrator file is 10000 x 10000 pixels at 300 dpi. I have tried it as 150 dpi and all of the export settings and always get the error message. I see on your forums that this has been going on for many years and that I'm not the only designer to experience this issue. Can you please help?

Paul Hulligan commented
A fix, kind of...
I just had this problem myself. At first it all worked fine, but I added a new element (PNG image), I then came across this error message when exporting. I found that when I delete the new element, it then worked. I'm no expert, but my advice would be to test removing elements and retry until it works.