Pattern Seam issues with Adobe Capture patterns
when using adobe capture patterns there is a transparent seam in the pattern, I am able to remove the seam by change the width of the pattern but its only a temporary fix as soon as I change the pattern the seam comes back. This issue only seams to happen in illustrator, because when I use the same patterns in photoshop there is no gap between patterns
Steps to replicate:
- use adobe capture to create a pattern.
- create a shape in illustrator
open the libraries tab and insert the pattern
where lines/ spaces appear in-between the patterngo to pattern options width will say something like 50.7 px
click on the hamburger menu icon and click on edit pattern
change pattern to 50px or 50.6px which removes the lines, 50.6 seams to line the patterns up fairly well
I wish that this issue was fixed, or that there was a permanent way of fixing the patterns,