Embedded Bitmap .Tif Files slowing down performance
MacOS Big Sur 11.2
iMac Pro (2017)
Processor: 3 GHz 10-Core Intel Xeon W
Memory: 64GB
Graphics: Radeon Pro Vega 63 16 GB
Adobe Illustrator: V 25.2.1
Embedded bitmap tif files have suddenly starting causing hindered performance. While still "linked", the bitmaps seems fine. But after embedding those linked files, they cause considerable "beach-balling" while attempting to transform them in any way, toggling their visibility on/off, or zooming in/out. All vector layers remain unaffected when the embedded bitmap layers are hidden. This is occurring on both newly created files, and older .ai files that previously had no issues. These embedded files have shown little or no lagtime in the past, dating back to my previous 10yr old mac setup
The imbedded files are photoshop 600ppi bitmap .tifs saved with compression.