Illustrator 25 extremely slow
Illustrator 25 (the past several versions; currently running 25.2.3 on two separate Macs) on Mac OS (Big Sur) has been running extremely slowly for me. I've reinstalled the app, reset prefs, removed plugins, removed fonts, etc., unticked "GPU performance," ensured that dictation is disabled at the OS level, and Illustrator is still giving me the beach ball of death for things like selecting items in the menu with a dead-simple file.
I have downloaded Affinity Designer, but it's not making my socks go up and down — twenty years of Illustrator muscle memory makes it hard to switch. I'm not clear on what's causing Illustrator to lock up so frequently — would love to be able to send a log file to Adobe for analysis, but not clear on how to do it. Any help would be appreciated.