Bug on the All Caps (case) open type feature
If the typeface uses GPOS in the "case" feature to relocate a glyph, Illustrator seems to ignore it. It is working well no InDesign and and Photoshop.
So the "case" feature is broken for glyphs that reposition with GPOS.
I am a typeface designer and developer, but I found the same complaint from another person: https://forum.glyphsapp.com/t/contextual-gpos-adjustments-for-brackets-symbols-question/17569/3

Eben Sorkin commented
This is a basic function in OpenType and it doesn't make sense that one of the flagship Adobe products would be missing this. Maybe porting rendering Harfbuzz for rendering as other Adobe software has would be the fastest way to solve this and lots and lots of other issues.
Ondrej Jób commented
Francisco Torres commented
It's happening exactly the same with me. Illustrator is broken, Indesign works fine!