Illustrator 25.3 Crop
Export File creates uncontrolled artboards and more then one - usually only one is selectable the other is not. Did this with jpg, pngs. Save as pdf works fine but export versions do not.
One artboard frame is correct but the second unselectable version is smaller but taller and localized around one object in the image.
They both carry over with the file to other programs.
Files opened in photoshop display properly but png has extra clear space.

Anonymous commented
Export File creates uncontrolled artboards and more then one - usually only one is selectable the other is not. Did this with jpg, pngs. Save as pdf works fine but export versions do not.
One artboard frame is correct but the second unselectable version is smaller but taller and localized around one object in the image.
They both carry over with the file to other programs.
Files opened in photoshop display properly but png has extra clear space.