Action Does not saving the SPOT Color attribute
Action Does not saving the SPOT Color attribute.
All screen printing industry works with same Predefined spot colors, some of them isn’t exist in Pantone solid colors palette (like a White, and a Base) some exist, like a Black, but much more simple to make a custom spot Black color - when you make a color separation and printing films with HOST SEPARATION option on
So for speed up the process - I’ve decided to make a small & simple action, which will create three predefined custom spot colors: Spot White, Base, and Spot Black. In the replication process lets use a Base just for simplifying the process
How to replicate this bug:
- Create a new action in Default Action Folder
- Start recording
- create the rectangle somewhere on the artboard
- Fill it with any color, and set the outline to none
- Name it the BASE, choose 100% Magenta as a color, SPOT COLOR (its important) CMYK color mode
- Stop the action record
Now -1 delete all swatches in tj document (manually) and play the action - you can see the new Spot Swatch will be appeared (with a dot mark in the white triangle in the swatch pictogram)
Now -2 make a new document, (or left in the old document) it will have a default swatches palette
Now -3 Run the same action - On my side I see the new swatch but this new swatch isn’t a SPOT, this swatch has a PROCESS type and THIS IS A BUG!
By the common logic I’m expected to see the new SPOT swatch with 100% magenta.
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