Pantone swatches being deleted even after adding them to the correct folder
Our graphic users need to use additional Pantones in Adobe illustrator. In order to do that, they copy some Pantone files to the AI's Pantones folder on the local machine. When they open AI, they can see and use the Pantone. The problem is, that after they close the AI application, it the Pantone files being deleted automatically from the AI's pantone folder. Therefore, they copy the Pantones to the AI's folder each time they need to use it, which is very discouraging.
Or Mishan commented
our graphic users need to use additional pantones in Adobe illustrator. in order to do that, they copy some pantone files to the AI's pantones folder on the local machine. when the open AI, they can see and use the pantone. the problem is, that after they close the AI application, it the pantone files being deleted automatically from the AI's pantone folder. therefore, they copy the pantones to the AI's folder each time they need to use it, which is very Discouraging.