Wacom is crashing Illustrator 2023
It crashes within in minutes. It will crash while selecting a tool, moving the screen, or trying to use a tool--any function using a Wacom. There is rarely a crash report and often it's not even open long enough for the 2 minute autosave to kick in. I'm on a pc with Windows 10 and 27.2 cc.

Martin commented
As 'Nathan Gagnon' said, I also disabled Wacom tablet in Illustrator Edit/Preferences/Devices and after an application restart, I've had no further crashes.
Zillah Hayslip commented
It's driving me bananas! I have an old wacom intuos draw 2015, if I get a new one, will it stop happening? (I have windows 10 and most up to date CC)
Davi Elias commented
The problem persists! Fix it!
Nathan Gagnon commented
I disabled Wacom tablet in Illustrator Edit/Preferences/Devices , restarted illustrator and now my tablet works on Illustrator without crashing.
Gabrielius Golubkovas commented
New Illustrator update just came out. Works well for now, but need more testing
Margot Verschoor commented
Still no answer ? for this problem?
NoodleMatt commented
That's weird Adobe would blame Wacom, no other applications are crashing like this.
@Illustrator team, are you working on a fix or are we supposed to find another program..
Bert commented
Same issue here! Going on for weeks now! Wacom is blaming Adobe and vice versa! Very very annoying
Mikael S Eriksson commented
Same here. Extremely annoying.
Is it Adobe or Wacom? -
Artūras Bajoriūnas commented
Exactly same problem. I almost threw my pen into my monitor after series of crashes. At first I thought that it's a problem of image placement (CTRL+P), but that happened even on a clean vector so I switched to my mouse and problem disappeared. Very disappointing as I started to not just getting used to it but actually performing with pen tablet.
NoodleMatt commented
Same here! I crash every few minutes. I get one step forward, then have a crash and restart. We should get credits back on our subscription costs for this. It's not usable.
J Myro commented
Same. Its been happening for weeks now. I report it every time I'm given the option, but so far, nada from Adobe. I've tried reinstalling my wacom and ran a driver check, all good. It's definitely an Illustrator issue
DeAnna commented
This is critical since I only draw with a Wacom and not a mouse.