svg parse failure for valid arc command
The attached SVG file "bus.svg" is entirely valid and correct, but it loads incorrectly in Illustrator 2023 (27.5, Windows 64-bit). In particular, it fails to correctly parse the following valid arc command in a path tag's "d" attribute:
A 0.50 0.50 -45.0 0 0 767.50 652.25
If I change the arc command to set the rotation angle to 0, which has no effect on the geometry of the arc since the radii are equal to each other, then it renders correctly. Here is the same arc, but expressed in a way that Illustrator imports correctly.
A 0.50 0.50 0.0 0 0 767.50 652.25
I have attached four files (I had to add ".txt" to the SVG files for Uservoice to accept the upload):
bus-error.svg.txt is the valid SVG file that is imported incorrectly.
bus-error.png is a screen shot of how Illustrator 2023 views that file.
bus-fixed.svg.txt is the valid SVG file that has that one tiny edit that makes it load correctly.
bus-fixed.png is a screen shot of how illustrator 2023 views that file.