Black objects in clipping mask are not exported to SVG
I created two same artboards with rectangle and text in clipping mask (the mask is important). The only difference is fill of objects – one is black and second red. Then I exported both artboards to SVG using Export for Screens feature (setup attached, but any other setup produces same result). Red version is exported correctly but the black one creates empty SVG file.
I checked SVG code of both files. If the object has any color except of black, code will include fill parameter for each object. But if object is black, code will skip the fill parameter and object takes fill from clipping mask which is none.
I use actual version of Illustrator 27.7 on Windows 10
N commented
I've recently discovered an issue when I export as > SVG.
When I export, the SVG is missing elements.
The elements are totally random, for example:some layers with opacity are without fill
some shapes have outlines, but no fill, even though there is a fill.
The only consistency I can find, is that these objects are using hex code 000000I am using the latest version of Illustrator.
Mac OS Ventura 13.0.1