Copy and paste
I'm having problems with copying and pasting any object. Every time I need to undo the action and copy again the same object to be able to paste, because the first copy/cutout, that shows me the action actually exist, the program does not allow to paste the object.
Hugo Guardado commented
Cut Copy and paste not working correctly or work sometimes with menu, but not with shortcuts
Rodrigo Meiriño commented
I have the same problem. Please do something Adobe. ITS ANNOYING AND I COMPROMISE MY WORKFLOW.
This often happen with text box (I have to outline everything and then the program allows me to copy and paste).
I have already tried several times with erase the clipboard and also with restore the preferences (Edition --> General). Those two methods sometimes work, but lately this bug got RANDOM and right now is happening again and nothing is working, I DONT WANT TO RESTART THE PROGRAM.