Illustrator AI - high volume
I'd like to have a better understanding of this problem - I originally posted in the community discussion but was told I would need to repost here so that's what I'm doing.
I've been getting this error with one of my projects since this morning and since I can still use it by closing that project and opening another - I don't think the problem is really "High volume"
- I do have a prompt that's about 3 paragraphs which could be the problem but if that's the case, Adobe really should be limiting the characters, not just saying that there is high volume or at least saying "Your prompt is too long".
If this was a beta feature it wouldn't be a problem but since my monthly fees just got upped for this feature that isn't working, Id like to better understand what the problem is or for it to be fixed since it seems like it can't even handle prompts that free AI generators can.
Some other things that would help with high volume are:
Negative prompts
Let us know what the "style picker" is grabbing for a prompt so that can be edited
Letting us know what prompts are triggering the usage guidelines - for example, "Thunderbolt" triggers the usage guidelines for some reason, and "Thunder bolt" does not - this last one just generally saves people time in having to "test prompt" to figure out where the problem is which might also be causing increased demand on your AI.