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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:

  1. Details of your operating system
  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
  3. The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
  4. Your expected result and the actual result
  5. Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)

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57 results found

  1. Illustrator exporting to PDF - PDF misaligned (slightly rotated)

    .AI file is aligned but when exported to Acrobat PDF, the file is misaligned (slightly rotated). Illustrator .AI file and exported PDF (illustrator default( attached.

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  2. Cursor in palettes doesn't highlight the content

    OS X 10.15.6, Illustrator 24.2.3

    • If you are in a field in the transform palette (e.g. the x-field where you can define the x-position of an object) and then use the tab key to hop to the next field [y-value] then usually the content of that field is highlighted so that you can simply override the existing value. Now the cursor jumps to the end of the field value and instead of overriting it adds the new value that you type. Very annoying as every other field is not doing that.

    OS X 10.15.6, Illustrator 24.2.3

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  3. Selection Tools Not Identifying Color Swatches

    Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6
    Adobe Illustrator 2020

    With the new release of Illustrator 2020 we are experiencing issues with the swatches applied to art being properly identified in the Swatches panel.

    Both the Open Arrow Tool and Closed Arrow Tool are not correctly identifying color swatches applied to art when clicking and dragging to select.

    • Select Open Arrow Tool
    • Click and drag to select art

    Expected Result: Color swatch that is applied to the art will be selected in the swatch panel
    Actual result: Question mark appears in the swatch panel
    • On the same art using Open…

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  4. Parts of image becomes invisible in preview mode

    Every now and then when I rotate, move or resize objects, parts of my image become invisible, like there were rectangular shaped holes cut through it. I have to go to "Outline" and back to "Preview" to make it look normal again.

    I use 23.0.3, latest Windows 10, Nvidia GTX460.

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  5. Text panel not working!!! Suddenly I cannot change font, font size, leading, etc.

    Suddenly I cannot change font, font size, leading, etc.

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    Cannot Reproduce  ·  Anish Kumar responded

    Please get in touch with us at or any of the other support channels.
    Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.

  6. curser error

    while i am writing the name of a font I want to use the curser go to previews letter and stack on it, with the new letters written next to it.

    Please se the video below.

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  7. 2 votes

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    It will take some time for font to be available inside Illustrator. Best way to check in the font has synced it to to Adobe creative cloud application and review the activity stream in Home tab.
    If it does not work even after the activity tab shows that the font was synced then either restart the Illustrator or wait for some time.

  8. Impossible de créer un nouveau document ni d'enregistrer sous ni d'exporter

    Les fonctions Enregistrer sous, Exporter et Nouveau document sont inactives.

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  9. GPUプレビューで全オブジェクトに白い背景がつくバグ






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  10. Bug report: Option + dragging from CC Libraries not showing Trademark Symbol correctly

    Mac OS 15.0—Sequoia
    Illustrator 29.0.0 Desktop

    When option+dragging a logo file from Creative cloud libraries to embed into a working file, the trademark symbol/text does not outline or appear correctly (See attached image on left side). Dragging a logo into a document without modifier keys does work properly however (with using the embed function after it is placed).

    I will submit a screen recording of the issue as well. In the recording, the first method I show is option+drag (bugged), the second method I am doing is simply dragging from CC Libraries and embedding after (workaround).

    (Text is properly outlined…

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  11. Random swatch in files

    Random swatches keep appearing in new and existing files. When I delete them, they immediately reappear.

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  12. ズームツールが切り替わらない


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    1 comment  ·  Actions  ·  Admin →
    Cannot Reproduce  ·  PCM Miyuki responded







  13. 【Illustrator 2022】ガイドに関してのバグ?の報告

    PC: Mac Book Pro (16-inch, 2019)
    OS: Monterey 12.6
    Illustrator: v26.5(2022)




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    0 comments  ·  Other...  ·  Admin →
    Cannot Reproduce  ·  PCM Miyuki responded

    Takahiro S 様



    OS: Monterey 12.6 / Illustrator: v26.5(2022) / Macbook Pro 13inch 環境で検証しましたが、クラッシュは起こらず、再現ができませんでした。





  14. 禁止処理および文字組みが表示されなくなる


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    Cannot Reproduce  ·  PCM Miyuki responded




    環境設定→テキスト→東アジア言語のオプションを表示 のチェックボックスをチェック






  15. ccライブラリ 編集が保存されても反映されない


    環境 M1 macbookpro 14inch 2021

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  16. Font Size reduces by 0.003 pt (bug ?)

    1. Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 (24.3, Mac), required for client delivery requirements.

    2. We have very strict font specifications. In many EPS files, the font sizes appear to reduce by .003 pt no matter which way I select and change the font size: select the element [either with a selection tool or the Text tool], change to 12 pt, deleselct, select the font element again and it's back to 11.997 pt. (see text issue mp4 attached, raw data of EPS included as well). New/recreated text elements begin behaving this way as well. This happens in specific EPS files, and to multiple users.

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  17. Drag copying an artboard causes hidden items to reappear

    Whenever I drag an artboard to copy it, anything hidden on the original artboard is now visible. Very annoying.

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  18. Files look the same

    After I've had open a few files when I tap on a different file to make changes all the files I tap on in Illustrator look the same?

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  19. Illustrator continually uploading to somewhere?

    Illustrator continually uploading to somewhere?

    Windows 7 and Windows 10.
    Latest update to Illustrator as of 2019-08-06

    It will not stop until I end it in task manager on Windows.

    This is unanswered on the user forums

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    0 comments  ·  Other...  ·  Admin → is the host for Adobe storage:

    There can be a lot of reason for the uploads e.g.
    1. You area saving files to Creative cloud files
    2. Or uploading heavy files to Creative Cloud library
    3. Or some third party extensions making these calls.

    Please get in touch with us at any of the other support channels – . Since this is not a generic issue that we can reproduce at our end, we will need someone to look into your machine to figure out what is going on here.

  20. All pdf files in finder suddenly are called Illustrator files

    All the pdf files on my Macbook (macOS Mojave 10.14.2) are suddenly called "illustrator files" in my finder and when double clicking on them, they are opened by Illustrator (CC 2019, updated 12.12.2019). Before they have been simple pdf files which I created by Microsoft Word and which always were called "pdf file" in finder.

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    We have not made any deliberate change to affect the change you mentioned.
    Please use the macOS feature to change the default application to open preview file.

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