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Illustrator (Desktop) Bugs

When reporting a bug, please provide a detailed description with the following:

  1. Details of your operating system
  2. The version of Adobe Illustrator (desktop) 
  3. The steps you were taking when you experienced the issues
  4. Your expected result and the actual result
  5. Upload your Illustrator file or a video (screen recording or gif, this helps us most to reproduce the issue and resolve it)

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45 results found

  1. [25.3.1 macOS]Photoshopで作成したpsd画像に日本語のクリッピングパスが使用されていると、Illustratorに配置してもクリッピングパスが反映されない


    Photoshop v21.2.9(2020)やv22.2(2021)など日本語のクリッピングパスでの不具合がないバージョンで、日本語のクリッピングパスを適用したpsd画像を作成。
    Illustrator v25.3.1(2021)で、1で作成した画像を配置するとクリッピングパスが適用されずに配置される。Photoshopでクリッピングパスを欧文にすれば、Illustrator v25.3.1でクリッピングパスが適用された状態で配置される。なおIllustrator v24.3および v25.2.3ではこの不具合は再現されませんでした。



    macOS Big Sur バージョン11.4

    MacBook Pro 15-inch 2016

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    Illustrator 2021(ver.25.3.1)で発生していた、Photoshop(v21.2.9 や v22.2 など)の日本語名のクリッピングパスでの不具合がないバージョンの PSD ファイルでも、日本語名のクリッピングパスが認識されない問題の修正が完了し、Illustrator 2021(ver.25.4.1)をリリースいたしました。

    Creative Cloud デスクトップアプリケーションから、製品版のアップデートが可能となっておりますので、お確かめください。

    もし、Illustrator 2021(ver.25.2.3)と同じ結果が得られないような場合は、コメントをお願いいたします。


    Illustrator チーム

    【追記 – 2021年8月27日】
    Photoshop 2021 が ver.22.5 にアップデートされ、日本語パス名の文字化け問題が修正されました。
    Illustrator でもクリッピングパスが正しく認識されます。

  2. Clipping mask from a live text is misaligned / resized / distorted

    When using a solid swatch filled variable font as a clipping mask (Hepta Slab in the attached example) the clipped paths are misaligned with the font (in display and in selection hovering).

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  3. Clipping compound shape doesn't have edges drawn

    When a compound shape (not a compound path, but a live result of any Pathfinder operation) is used as a clipping mask, Illustrator does not display edges for the resulting objects.

    1. View > Hide Bounding Box (for clarity, to see the issue better)
    2. Draw anything
    3. Create two intersecting rectangles
    4. Select these two rectangles, hold Alt and click Unite in Pathfinder panel to get a live compound shape
    5. Select both the compound shape and the art below
    6. Object > Clipping Mask > Make

    The resulting object has no edges drawn and can’t be seen as selected, until you enable the bounding…

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  4. Undo Release Clipping Mask Does Nothing

    I recently noticed that if I unclip an object, by accident or necessity, that I cannot undo the step either through the menu Undo or Command key Undo.

    I can clip and Command-Z to unclip.
    I can manually unclip and Command-Z to reclip.
    If I clip, I Command-z to unclip and then Command + Option + Z to redo my last action and it will properly clip.

    But if I just manually unclip, and then use the Undo command to reclip it like it was? It doesn't work. Nothing happens and it moves on in the history.

    I am on…

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  5. Images moving within clipping masks on opening

    When re-opening an file some images shift position/ rescales within clipping masks.

    I can correct position, save and reopen and the same issues presents.

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    The team would definitely need a document and a set of linked images it uses to try to reproduce it their end... ideally it should become broken each save/reopen cycle (I know, this sounds weird). Please also share a couple of screenshots, showing the proper and the wrong states of the document (since it’s you only know how it looks normally).

    Share these here in comments or send them over to (and put the link to this report for tracking purposes in the text of the email then:

  6. Ugly edges when using clipping mask or stacking objects with the exact same shape

    Whenever stacked objects have the exact same shape, or when using a clipping mask, the colors from the objects below will be visible around the edge of the upper object. See screenshot.

    This will probably not show when you print, but it does show when you rasterize a vector image. The screenshot is from a rasterized .ai image opened in Photoshop. So it's not just a preview bug in Illustrator.

    And it's quite disturbing to see these ugly edges when work on your illustration.

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  7. 「クロスと重なり」を含むシンボルの書き出し結果が正しくない - Exporting symbols containing Intertwine results wrong.


    • psd、pdf、Webpでは正しい体裁になるが、それ以外の保存形式では欠けたような状態で書き出される

    • 「スクリーン用に書き出し」、「書き出し形式」、「Web用に保存(従来)」、どのメニューコマンドでも同様

    • 「アセットの書き出し」では「書き出し」ボタンをクリックしても書き出しが実行されない

    • Illustrator 2023、2024で確認

    1. 「クロスと重なり」を含むアートワークでシンボルを作成し、インスタンスを配置する
    2. 「スクリーン用に書き出し」などを使って画像に書き出す(psd、pdf、Webp以外の保存形式を選ぶ)




    ---- English *Use translation tool ----

    Exporting symbols containing "Intertwine" does not give correct results.

    • As psd, pdf, and webp, the result is correct. But in other formats, they are exported as missing.

    • Same result with "Exports for screens", "Export as", "Save for Web (Legacy)" or any menu command.

    • "Asset Export" does not export even if the "Export" button is clicked.

    • Check with Illustrator 2023 and 2024

    How to reproduce:
    1. Create a symbol with artwork containing "Intertwine" and place an instance.

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  8. Curvature tool. Draw inside.

    – Version of Adobe Illustrator 22.0.0
    – Object that was created with Curvature tool can’t be clipped if Draw inside mode is switched on.

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  9. Clipped objects outside of the clipping mask get highlighted with Smart Guides enabled

    With Smart guides turned on, the Selection tools see individual items inside the mask (even though when then clicking it only selects the mask). This behavior is also not desirable as it makes selecting objects really tricky.

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  10. Illustrator pulls clippings masks to the top of their clip groups when a document is reopened

    1. Make a simple clipping group
    2. Select clipping path only
    3. Fill it
    4. Send it to back
    5. Save and close the file
    6. Open the file back Illustrator will move the clipping mask back to the top of the group.

    Why this is important?
    1. Because if we release a clipping group that has the filled clipping path below clipped object, it stays below.
    2. Because when we use isolation mode, Illustrator will allow to select children only when the filled clipping mask is below the clipped objects.

    Take a look at the GIF attached, that shows three methods possible with colored clippings…

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  11. Using a sublayer as a layer mask is broken

    Please open the file attached and watch the video.
    Here is what happens, try to replicate it:

    1. The document has a Layer 1 and it has a sublayer — Layer 2, which has one rectangle in it
    2. If you select the Layer 1, the Make/Release Clipping mask button enables — click it
    3. Notice that Ai underlines both Layer 2 AND <Rectangle>, as if they are both are clipping masks
    4. If you click it again, everything is OK. But instead, select the Layer 2 and click the button after
    5. See how Ai still shows Layer 2 underlined (bug #1)
    6. Select a…
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  12. Edit Contents button in Control panel ignores the scope and always prefers the layer-level clip to the selected object-level clip

    In Illustrator we can make object-lelvel clip groups, by selecting objects and using Make Clipping Mask command.

    We also can apply a clipping mask directly to a layer if we select a path for a mask only, highlighting the layer we need to clip in Layers, and using a different Make Clipping Mask command, from the panel’s flyout menu.

    But then, if we select the object level clipping group and decide to select its clipped content, using the dedicated button in Control panel, it will ignore the scope and the intention and prefer to select the clipped layer’s content —…

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  13. Hidden clipping mask still contributes to exported image

    I had a design with two clippings mask applied to it, for layout and previewing purposes.
    When time to export a final image comes, I hide the top-level smaller one, and leave the larger one at the bottom to clip my design.

    But when I review the exported image, I realize Illustrator removed the some elements of the design, despite me seeing them on canvas. It took a live brush and deleted some parts of it even!

    Take a look at the file attached.
    1. Open it
    2. Study the layer structure, notice a hidden clipping mask. Note the design…

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  14. Draw Inside = Appearance BUG

    If you have a shape with two fills and you draw inside of said shape, one of the fills will disappear and be invisible. It will still show up in the appearance menu though.

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  15. Direct Selection tool selects objects in and outside of clipping masks

    There is a bug (from maybe several versions back now) in which the direct selection tool sees and selects objects (and points) inside and outside of the clipping mask. The behavior In previous versions worked correctly (the direct selection tool only selected points on the clipping mask, not any of the inside contents). In the attached screenshot, you can see both the current bug and the previous expected behavior.

    To summarize, the Direct Selection Tool should only be able to select a mask's points and not the objects inside the mask.

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  16. Draw Inside doesn’t work when a clipping group is selected, requires to select its clipping mask specifically

    Draw Inside is great. Draw Inside lets you create a clipping mask in a fraction of the time it takes to create it with Object > Clipping mask > Make. But it's got some annoying issues.

    1. Draw a shape.
    2. Select it and turn on Draw Inside.
    3. Draw some shapes inside it.
    4. Exit Draw Inside, then select the clipping group with the Selection tool.
    5. Draw Inside won't work any more.
    6. Switch to the Direct Selection tool and select the clipping mask — Draw Inside works.

    The other case is Draw Inside won’t work with live compound shapes —

    It'd be…

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  17. Info Palette incorrect on items using Clipping Mask

    Objects with Clipping Masks show original width and height in Info Palette. Ex. a 10x10 square clipped to 2x2 will show as W: 10, H: 10 in Info.
    In Properties/Transform the information is correct, i.e. W: 2, H: 2

    I typically don't like to see the whole Properties Panel nor need the editing abilities of Transform so I have the Info panel open. However, I would assume it would show the selected width and height vs. the clipped item's original size.

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  18. Releasing a Layer Mask releases all clipping masks within

    When I create a layer mask that includes clipping masks within, there are problems releasing the layer mask.
    a) Using the Layers panel Make/Release Button releases some of the clipping masks within. (see attached movie)
    b) Using the Properties panel button and/or the Object > Mask > Release will appear to do nothing, but is a redraw issue requiring View > Outline / View > Preview toggle.

    Mac OS 10.12.6, AI 23.0.1

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  19. Draw Inside won’t work with live compound shapes

    Draw Inside is great. Draw Inside lets you create a clipping mask in a fraction of the time it takes to create it with Object > Clipping mask > Make. But it's got some annoying issues.

    1. Draw a shape.
    2. Draw another shape over it.
    3. Make these two shapes into a compound shape.
    4. Select the whole compound shape.
    5. Draw Inside won't work.
    6. But you can put some other shapes under the compound shape, select them all, and do Object > Clipping path > Make.

    The other case is Draw Inside doesn’t work when a clipping group is selected, requires to select…

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  20. Intertwine unknots in places on Expand Appearance and PDF Asset Export

    In Illustrator 28.5 (macOS 14.5, intel)
    • Create intertwine from paths with 2 strokes (lower is black and greater weight)
    • Either use Object > Expand Appearance or use Asset Export to create PDF
    • Several crossings reverse on some Intertwine objects.

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